Route 11~ Vox

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As if walking up to Lucifer's enormous palace wasn't intimidating enough, Alastor started to whistle next to me, as if this was a common occurrence for him. Demons fled the scene as he led me up to what could only be described as the sinister gates for the King himself.

Two guards stood by the gate and stared us down, multiple pairs of eyes glued to us. I felt like they were reading all of my secrets, my thoughts, and my deepest fears. I shivered.

"Hello my friends!" Alastor said, dipping into a short bow. I quickly followed suit. "I'm here to have a chat with our dear leader!" Alastor's voice nor smile faltered as he puffed out his chest. Meanwhile, I could feel my legs turning to slush underneath me. One of the guards huffed and growled in a voice that could only be described as inhuman. Not demon, not human, and not... normal. 

"Who is this vermin with you?" the voice snarled, poking a sharp claw in my direction. Alastor let out a hearty laugh and chuckled, "This is a friend of mine. I need to discuss the terms of contracts regarding a new type of magic I've acquired."

The ringing in my ears paused as I listened to what he was saying. Magic? Contract?

"Very well," the other guard hissed. He pushed the spiked gate open and warned, "One false move and it's over."

Alastor nodded his head and chirped, "I owe you one!" He swiftly grabbed my arm and practically dragged me into the gates enclosure. The gate shut behind us. We were officially in. Alastor released his grip on my arm and started to hum as we walked to the main entrance, guards swarming about.

"What was that about?" I asked, my voice still wobbly. Alastor grinned even wider and said, "Oh, I can't reveal my trade secrets! But I can't walk into Lucifer's palace with a scrawny nobody! Displaying you as someone who would form a contract with me is much more plausible!"

I deflated as he said that with such confidence. I wasn't scrawny. Alastor was just a pompous asshole. Figures. He was here to help me check on Vox. And that's it. Afterwards, hopefully Vox would tear him to shreds.

 One thing I noticed as we walked through the beautifully decorated castle was that no one particularly shot us a second glance. It was like we were common servants here. That creeped me out. Just what was Alastor's relationship with Lucifer?

"So, how did you and Vox meet?" Alastor asked as we turned the corner. I crossed my arms and recalled the day. "He almost ran me over," I blurted out. Alastor barked a laugh and his microphone erupted in laughter. "True love, hmm?" he asked, adjusting his monocle. I crossed my arms and gritted my teeth together. Asshole. 

Eventually, we reached two enormous doors, gilded with gold and displayed beautiful swirls of red to create patterns of snakes, apples, and eyes. 6 guards stood outside and stared down at us. And right then the nervousness came swirling back in. Would we get kicked out if I vomited on the carpet?

"What're you doing sleazing around the palace, Radio Demon?" one of the guards snarled. Alastor didn't falter as he exclaimed, "Meet my friend, Y/N! They may not look like much, but they're actually late for His Majesty's meeting with Vox. I was sent to pick them up and silently deliver them to oversee the meeting."

All six guards stared down at me. I felt smaller than I was, and it clearly showed. One guard laughed and said, "This thing? Has a meeting with Vox and Lucifer? They're overseeing it?"

My face burned as another guard laughed. I clenched my fists and snapped, "I was sent to oversee this meeting. I'm sorry I was so late that the Radio Demon had to drop me off. Do you really want to piss off His Majesty by not letting me in?" Alastor's eye twitched as he turned to me. Clearly me speaking wasn't part of his plan.

One of the guards raised their brows and asked, "Who sent you?" Before I could chime in with a semi-believable answer, Alastor's microphone flicked on and shouted, "The king himself you idiot!" Alastor quickly silenced it and gave the guards a guilty smile. 

"Show us your identification," the guard from before said. "They gave it to me," Alastor cut in. He flourished his hand and summoned a couple of golden papers from a small green flame. I jumped. What the hell? Did this guy have a fake ID for me?

He gave me a grin as I raised a brow. The guards huddled around the papers intensely before staring back at me. The first guard growled, as if hoping to catch us. Thankfully, Alastor saved my ass. I didn't know if I should thank him or rip him apart for fucking with Vox. 

"Alright, you can go in. You're an overseer, so if you make any noise, you're dead. Got it... Y/N?" he huffed. I nodded and straightened my posture. He handed me my fake ID papers and slowly unlocked the enormous door. Alastor winked at me and said, "Well, good luck, Y/N. I'll take my leave then." With that, he turned around and walked away. 

The door opened the slightest bit and I shimmied my way in, nodding to the guards. Inside was an even larger room with a marble floor and golden pillars that reached the ceiling. Red tapestries were draped everywhere and were adorned with beads and string. At the far end of the room was Lucifer. He was sitting atop a red velvet throne gilded with gold and by far the most eye catching part of the room. Well, apart from Vox.

Vox was standing in front of him, his arms behind his back and clenching his fists. I quietly shut the door behind me and saw a group of demons surveying the meeting. They must be other overseers. I silently grouped together with them and watched. 

Time to figure out what the hell this was all about.

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