Route 6~ Vox

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Vox and I spent a few more minutes admiring Pentagram City before we headed back downstairs to the club.

Business was as usual, except that Val wasn't on his sofa and was instead arguing with Velvet. Vox gave me a look as we slowly approached the two.

"Come on Val! My fans can't just keep seeing studio gossip or selfies! Why can't I tear up a body and post it?!" Velvet whined, clenching her fists. Val hissed at her and growled, "Your fans like seeing you. They give you money which gives me money. So don't give me shit about your posts."

Val and I exchanged a glance. Now didn't seem like an opportune moment to butt our heads in. Before we could slowly back away, Velvet whirled around and grabbed my shoulder, wrenching me away from Vox's side and to hers instead.

"Y/n, I'm so glad you're taking my side!" Velvet said, batting her eyes. Val sighed and rolled his eyes, practically burying his face in his claws. "Hey, Vel, knock it off!" Vox shouted, pulling me back.

Velvet hissed and spat out, "Satan, Vox is really protective. What's gotten into you? Is Voxy in loooooove?" Velvet suddenly gave a mischievous smile to Vox and I and pulled out her phone.

"Alright Val, I think I have something to post," she murmured. Without a moment to spare, she snapped a picture and became engrossed in her screen. Val chuckled and patted Velvet's head as she beamed. Vox and I both blushed and stood there, silent but seething.

"What the hell, Velvet!" Vox finally yelled. He bared his claws and stepped in front of me instinctively. Valentino crossed his arms and stepped between Vel and Vox, his face now displeased.

"No fighting in the club. If you two want to kill each other, do it where the blood can be cleaned up easily," he said smoothly. The group of us stared at Val for a moment when Velvet broke the silence, "Hey, I'd never want to kill my best friends! Even if the only reason I'm here is because of a contract, that doesn't mean I don't love you guys!" Val gave a faint chuckle and Vox only stared at Vel. I smiled and said to Velvet, "I agree. I mean, I'm not here from a contract, but you guys are my friends!" I looked up at Vox with a flushed face and he returned it. Little did Vel and Val know that we practically made out on the roof mere minutes ago.

"Anyways, this music is starting to get stale," Val said in a flat voice. "Vox, why don't you mix up some new tracks? Not like you have a choice."

Vox's screen flickered for a moment before he said through gritted teeth, "Of course, Val." I grabbed him by the wrist and rushed over to the elevator before the tension could get any worse.

Once the elevator doors shut, I whirled to Vox and said, "Why don't you let him walk all over you? You're any overlord, same as him!" He sighed and placed his hands on his hips just as the elevator dinged, signaling our arrival.

"I made a contract with Val years ago that I do whatever he says and work for him for the rest of my existence. In return, he would give me money, fame, and protection," he said. We started the walk to his room as I asked, "Why don't demons learn not to make contracts?"

Vox unlocked his room and we both slipped inside. He turned to me with a spark in his eyes and said, "I was stupid back then. Greedy and jealous. Still am. But I was desperate to be higher up. It was a foolish move." He sighed again and flicked on his room's lights. "Velvet made a contract with Val too, though I don't exactly know the details. I just know it was a lot less demanding than mine."

I stood there, speechless. Vox took off his pinstriped jacket and tossed it onto the bed. He collapsed into his desk chair and slunk all the way down with a groan. I walked over and spun his chair over to face me. He was clearly burnt out.

"You need to rest," I stated firmly. Vox raised a brow and joked, "Yeah, sure, y/n. Care to join me?" I flushed a bright red but answered, "Vox, even if Val wants more tracks, you need rest and inspiration, and you'll have neither if you make them now."

Vox just blinked at me. "Val would kill me if I took a break," he whispered. Suddenly, a burst of confidence sparked through me and I said, "Then tell him it was my fault. I'll take a nap with you."

Vox's face blushed the second I said that. "Um, y/n, he'll kill you too. And I was just kidding around before!" he sputtered, tripping on his words. I chuckled and replied, "Well if you don't want rest, or me, then you can just make your tracks without either." Vox narrowed his eyes in a playful manner.

"Are you really trying to annoy me?" he asked. I laughed again, "Of course not! You really do need rest! And to be honest, so do I." Vox stood and marched over to his bed where he collapsed onto it like a dead body.

"You're explaining this to Val, by the way," Vox muttered with his screen being smothered by the pillows. I hopped next to him and buried myself in the comfy duvet. Vox still looked completely dead, so I poked his screen and said, "Pretty sure you need to be facing up to breath." He groaned before flipping over, sprawling across the bed.

"Hey!" I squeaked. "You're taking up my side!" Vox laughed and said, "This is my bed, remember?" I let out a breath and pouted, trying to delicately move his long limbs over to his part of the bed.

"Satan, you're heavy as fuck," I said, tossing one of his legs over. He only grunted in response. I gave him a teasing smile and said, "You need rest~ Remember? Because then you have to make music for Val or he'll rip you apart."

Vox cast a sideways glance at me. "Thanks for the reminder, y/n." I giggled softly and turned away, cozying up in the soft blanket and fluffy pillows. As I drifted off to sleep, I tried to stop my rapidly beating heart from exploding, and tried to control the blush that was spreading across my face.

Night, love.

I swore I heard someone say that, but I was already falling into a deep, peaceful slumber.

💎𝟥𝒱𝓈 𝓍 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇💎Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora