Route 12~ Valentino

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The next few days were strange. Val was being unusually nice to the demons around him. Rumors were spreading and the tension was rising. One day, Vox and Velvette came up to me, worry in their eyes.

"Y/N, we need to talk," Vox said bluntly, pulling me aside to an empty room in the tower. Velvette shut the door behind us so we could talk freely. She crossed her arms and leaned closer, "We know you've gotten all snugly and cuddly with Valentino, and now he's acting weird. He let go of all his employees." Velvette narrowed her eyes and whispered, "He's losing BIG money and isn't batting an eye. What the fuck is going on?"

Vox sighed and his screen flickered. "She's right, Y/N. He's been so off. Is he on some new drug?" Vox asked. I blinked at both of them. Despite me quite literally sleeping next to him every night, this was new information to me.

"I have no idea," I said. "This is new information to me." Vox raised a brow at me and Velvette barked a laugh. "Well whenever we ask him about it, he just says he's doing this for you. What did you ask him to do?"

He was doing it for me? Being nicer for me?

"Nothing," I said. "I really don't know guys." Velvette groaned and said, "He's losing all his souls- he's barely an overlord anymore. Kinda hate to admit it but I'm a little embarrassed around his ass."

Vox agreed and added, "Plus, he's stopped filming porn and I feel like the demons who enjoyed that are starting to riot."

"It won't be long before the news gets a hold of him," Velvette warned. I sighed. "Well what do you want me to do? Magically change his behavior?"

Velvette sighed and snapped, "Go and talk to the cunt and figure out what's wrong." Vox pulled out his phone and cursed under his breath. "Gotta go. Carmilla needs to talk with me." Velvette fixed her eyes on him and sighed, "I guess I'll take my leave too then. Y/N, TALK TO HIM."

They both slipped out of the room, leaving me with silence and lots of questions. There was no way this was real. Did he dislike how he appeared in front of me so badly that he was risking his image to fix it? I had to find him. My heart almost sang at the thought that he was becoming better for me.

I walked out of the room and to the elevator, going up to his studio floor. When the doors opened, I finally saw the carnage the other Vees were talking about.

The porn studio was empty. You could practically hear a pin drop. No flashing lights, no strippers, and no sinners.

"Alright..." I murmured to myself. I stepped back inside the elevator and went up again to the top floor. I walked out and saw Val, sprawled on his chaise, talking with two of his servants like they were old friends.

"Val!" I exclaimed, rushing towards him. He turned his head and his eyes lit up at the sight of me. His extended and wings and pulled me into a warm embrace. My heart fluttered as he nuzzled his head closer to me.

"Y/N! I was hoping you'd come!" He grinned and sat me down on the chaise with him. "I can assume you know I've been letting go of contracts, and these two assistants of mine are the last to go!" The two imps across from us looked giddy with excitement.

Valentino summoned two golden contracts out of the air and ripped them apart with ease. With that one motion, the imps bolted out the door, leaving the two of us in silence.

"You're doing all of this for me?" I whispered. He nodded and flushed, "I don't want to be a loser anymore, baby. I want to be yours. And I want to be the best I can be."

"That's incredibly sweet," I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "But Vel and Vox wanted me to talk to you." His face fell and I winced. He sighed and said, "Is it about this whole change?" I nodded.

"Well, I knew they'd bring it up eventually." Val slumped down into the chaise. "I mean, I get it. But I'm doing this for you, so it all evens out."

"That's it?" I asked. Val adjusted his glasses and kissed me on the head. "I'd do anything for you, and I already feel better not having all these souls on a leash. I feel like I could do anything!" I giggled, as it was quite the opposite. Without his souls and power, he couldn't do shit.

He wrapped his wings around me and kissed me again, sighing as he pulled away. Licking his lips, he flushed and asked, "Do you like this version of me?" Before I could answer, he said hurriedly, "I never liked being this violent, but I was too far in before. But now I have a reason to stop. To live. I want to be better. I want a second chance."

Second chance.

The words rung in my head. Where have I heard those words before?

"But, I actually have something for you. I've wanted to give it to you for a while," he said, pulling me close to him. I could feel his heartbeat and the rising and falling of his chest. I could stay here forever.

He reached under the chaise with his claws and pulled out a small box. It was messy and looked like he made it himself. I stared at it as I leaned into his chest. His arms wrapped around me as he shakily handed me the box.

I took hold and reached to open it but he quickly said, "Wait! Before you open it, I just want you to know that you've made my life better. You've made my afterlife worthy of love and redemption. I love you. More than anything."

Ever so slowly, I opened the box. 

A ring.

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