Route 2~ Vox

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We arrived at the studio after visiting an array of stores with some... interesting products for sale. Val and Vel seemed thoroughly interested in these products, but Vox stayed back. Unsure of what to do, I fidgeted with my hair as I stood next to him. I noticed that his TV screen gave off a soft hum when he wasn't near any loud noises... or demons.

"GUYS!" Velvet shouted cheerfully. Vox growled slightly but jumped as he turned to see me standing there. "Watch it y/n!" he snapped. I was taken aback and asked, "What, I can't even stand next to you anymore?" Vox's face flushed as he looked to the side. Before I could ask him what was wrong, Velvet raced over, holding up two costumes. One was a sexy maid outfit and the other was a classic playboy bunny suit. She had the widest (and bloodiest) grin as she leaned closer to us.

"Which one should I wear to Lucifer's annual overlord gathering?" she asked with a smirk. Val quickly swept up to her and snatched both of the outfits out of her hand. "You are not wearing either, Velvet," he simply said. Vox grinned and laughed, "Seriously Vel, you may be a prostitute, but not at THIS gathering!" Velvet pouted and marched away, grumbling curses to herself.

I covered my face to hide my smile. Once I was sure Velvet was on the opposite side of the store, I let out a few chuckles and exchanged a wide smile with Vox. 

But once we arrived back at the studio, Vel was back to her old self; giggling and taking selfies. Val had taken out a cigarette and took a long drag before blowing out soft pink smoke. I was unsure of what to do yet again. So I just trailed after Vox. Velvet was kinda manic and unpredictable, and I wasn't sure she even wanted to hang around me. Valentino was just... scary. Perhaps it was his tall stature or his authority but I definitely wanted nothing to do with it. 

Vox noticed pretty quickly that I was following him. He turned swiftly and looked down at me. I simply looked back and asked, "What?" Vox raised a brow and said, "Why are you always hanging around me? I'm an overlord. I could tear you to shreds. Yet you're like a small child, just following the first person you talk to." I paused before shrugging with a faint blush. "You're just a lot calmer than Vel and Val, and you don't seem to be as scary as people say you are."

Vox now had a face that could be described in one word: astounded. "What the fuck is wrong with you, y/n? Do you actually think I'm not scary to you? I should be offended but oddly I'm not." His screen flickered for just a moment, something I hadn't seen yet.

I shrank a tiny bit as Vox tried to sort out what I had just said. A small blush formed on his cheeks as he said quickly, "Fine, you can hang around me. Just... not all the time. Got it?" I smiled and nodded with satisfaction. "So, what are you known around for Vox?" I asked as we walked toward the bar. Vox chuckled, "What do you think? I kill people. I can also control any electrical signals or devices that are close to me. I've gotten rid of Velvet's wifi several times with that fun power." He laughed to himself as the bartender nervously slid him a shot glass. 

I decided to set aside the whole 'murder' thing away for later. I mean, I was in Hell too, so I shouldn't judge anyone for what they were sentenced for. "So you could totally break my phone right now if you wanted?" I asked. Vox smiled as he downed the shot. "With a snap of my fingers," he replied.

We went back and forth talking about the powers we had and how we both died. I explained that I was killed in an explosion while he boasted about being murdered by a mob gang setup. He leaned closer and whispered, "Velvet may be a total cokehead, but she was killed by the electric chair. But she's never disclosed why. Neither has Val." It was hard to hear him over the loud EDM playing over the speakers but I was able to make out what he said. I tilted my head in curiosity. 

"Do you think Val was a pimp in his past life?" I whispered back. Vox leaned back in his chair and laughed. "Hell no, y/n. But no one in this studio knows the answer to that one," Vox said as he downed another shot glass. I hummed in response. It was silent between us for a few moments. I started to flush as the silence became too overwhelming.

Vox looked at me out of the corner of his eyes and started to say, "Y/n, do you think you'd ever-" But, unfortunately, Val had managed to slither over and snap, "Vox, you're on to DJ in a few minutes! So I don't wanna see you slacking off. Again." Velvet cackled, her smile still tainted with blood. Vox scowled at the two V's on the velvet couch, simply lounging with drinks in hand.

He turned back to me and said with a clearly fake smile, "Sorry, y/n. Wish we could've talked longer. But someone's gotta make this studio's tracks." He stood up and winked at me. I immediately blinked as a blush grew on my face. Vox walked away, his chest puffed out as he dipped behind a 'STAFF ONLY' curtain. 

I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding. Was it safe to say that he made me happier in this literal hell-hole? I sighed with a small smile but then jumped as the bartender angrily poked my shoulder and grunted, "Are you gonna order or just sit there like those fucking imps?" I swallowed and laughed nervously. "No, I'll find somewhere else to sit," I said behind gritted teeth. The bartender snorted as he watched me carefully inch my way to Val and Vel, weaving in between demons of all shapes and sizes. 

I only wished I could've known what Vox was going to say to me. I only wished I could be right next to him. He was the simple addiction I never knew I had. 


Hiya! Just a quick A/N, if these chapters seem as if the actual characters would never do what I write them to do, just please know and understand that since these aren't my characters, I have no idea how they would react in simple situations. So tldr, this series might take a while to seem natural/correct. :3

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