Route 10~ Vox

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A high-pitched voice was screaming outside our room. Vox and I had fallen asleep on his bed together, and now someone was disturbing our blissful sleep by pounding on the door. Yay.

I covered my ears, but it seemed as if the voice outside only got louder and louder. So much for a peaceful first night with my boyfriend. Vox hissed beside me, and I felt the bed shift as he rolled off. I tried to squeeze my eyes shut and pretend whoever demanded to see Vox wasn't there. Vox rolled his shoulders and said softly, "Let me see who the FUCK is at the door. Once they're dead, I'll return to sleep, Y/N."

That made me smile. I opened my eyes and gave Vox a goofy, lopsided smile. He chuckled, despite the utter chaos outside. He threw on his pressed tux and slowly trudged to the door. I could tell he didn't want to open it. And I completely agreed. The voice was becoming more and more desperate, and the yells had now turned to full-on screaming. Their words were barely even comprehensible at this point.

Vox slammed the door open, and it was safe to say that both he and I were surprised. Velvette was apparently the one screaming for dear life. Her hair was frizzy and messed up, and she was twitching like a rabid animal. Behind her stood Valentino, his eyes narrowed. But he was as serene as ever, perfectly still behind Velvette.

"What the-" Vox started, but Velvette interrupted him, "VOX!" Vox bared his teeth at her. We were both sick of the screaming. "LUCIFER wants to see you! Like, NOW."

Those words shot a bolt of fear down my spine, and Vox clearly felt the same way. He took a step back, his eyes wide and mouth agape. Velvette was stumbling over her words, but Val shoved her aside and rasped, "There's a limo here and some guards to escort you." He stepped into the room, towering above Vox. He hissed, "If you fucked up, you're dead. DEAD."

He quickly left the room and dragged Velvette out behind him. Vox only looked at me, unease written across his face. In a flash, he was scrambling around the room, pulling a fresh suit and polished shoes out from his wardrobe to change into. "Vox?" I asked cautiously, unsure of what to say.

"What the fuck?" he said, more to himself than to me. "The overlord meeting is next year! What could I have possibly done wrong? Fuck fuck fuck..." He fixed a bowtie around his neck and I hopped out of bed to talk to him.

"Vox, what's wrong?" I asked softly as he finished buttoning up his suit. Vox cursed under his breath and gave me a weak smile. "Y/N. I don't know what I did. To warrant his attention. But I guarantee it's not good." His smile fell.

"Let me come with you," I said confidently. Partly because I wanted to comfort him, but also because I was already dying to know what the king of Hell wanted with him. 

Vox laughed, "No way, Y/N. I'm not putting you in danger. Especially when it involves Lucifer." I felt slightly offended. I was in hell. And I got here for a reason. "Vox," I countered. "There's a reason I'm in hell. I can handle it."

Vox put on his hat and looked sternly down at me. "No. You're not coming with. It's not safe, and I don't know what Lucifer has up his sleeve." I gave Vox my best puppy eyes. "Pleeeeeease?" I whined.

But Vox didn't falter. He shook his head and said, "Stay in my room until I get back. I'll let Velvette know that you're here so she doesn't freak out. Hopefully, this will only be a few hours."

Without a single 'I love you' or a kiss on the cheek, Vox stomped out of the room, sparks of electricity following in his wake. I felt defeated as I stood in his room. Was meeting with Lucifer really that threatening?

I slumped back down onto his bed and let out a sigh. What to do? Before I could think of something to pass the time without Vox, the TVs in his room all turned on. I jumped at the loud static sound. I looked up at the cluster of them, chills rising. 

A strange voice spoke through the TVs. I thought it might be Vox saying one last goodbye before he left, but I was sadly mistaken. 

I can take you to see him if you'd like.

"Who are you?" I said instead, gripping the bedsheets. I only got a low laugh. I turned to peek out the window as Lucifer's adorned limo sped away. I turned back to the static noises. 

"Fine. How do we get there?" I asked. There was just another hum of static. 

Meet me outside the wretched TV's studio. I'll be there.

With that, the static was gone and Vox's room fell silent. I sat on the bed, anxious. But as the clock ticked, I realized I was fine. I tossed on some of Vox's smaller clothes and rushed out. I didn't bother letting anyone know where I was going. Mostly for fear that they'd stop me.

I didn't want Vox to be in danger, but something about this felt wrong. I wanted to make sure he'd be okay, but should I truly trust whoever manipulated the TVs in his room like that? I tried calming myself down as the elevator reached the main floor. It was probably another TV-headed demon. Maybe a friend or a possible relative of Vox's. That calmed my heart rate.

I walked out of the studio, my legs feeling like slush and the hair on the back of my neck rising. I looked around, but all the demons walking to and fro didn't appear to be waiting for me. I stood awkwardly outside of the studio, fiddling with my shirt until someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned around and was flash-banged by the amount of red this guy was wearing. He wore red pants, a red pinstripe suit, a red bowtie, a red monocle-

This was Alastor. Vox's rival. 

"You!" I said, not knowing how to approach him. He was an overlord, just like Vox. He was powerful. Much more than myself.

"Surprise!" he said with a wide grin. I contemplated throwing a punch or two but figured that wouldn't end well for me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. Alastor scoffed and laughed, "I'm here to take you to see Vox! I can get into the palace, and you can see your beloved."

I rolled my eyes, trying not to get all embarrassed. Was it really that public? "He would kill you," I hissed, crossing my arms.

Alastor smiled and said, "Ho, ho, not to fear! If any fighting broke out in Lucifer's palace, we'd all be sentenced to an eternity of torture!" He paused, and I shivered. "No one wants that. So I can take you to spy on him. You're welcome."

"Why would you bother helping me? You hate him," I said bluntly. Alastor only laughed again and said, "I always enjoy a bit of excitement! Drama, per se. And drama involving my lifelong rival? Nothing can beat it! I'd be more than happy to sneak you in to spy on him. And don't worry, he won't see either of us."

My stomach flipped. Spying on my boyfriend. With his rival. Wow, I was really stooping to new lows. "Fine. But if you tell him, you're dead," I hissed, trying to look intimidating. "Of course," Alastor replied with a chuckle. I see why Vox hated this bitch.

"Let's get going before he gets his screen chopped off!" Alastor sang. He smiled at me and began to walk. 

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