With Sad Eyes

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(A/N I'm back n' stuff :P Should I continue this chapter? I don't know how many people actually want to read this :) )
~Jerome's P.O.V~
I woke up to fuzzy room. It took a minute for my eyes to adjust to the light around me, but I instantly wished that they hadn't.

The scene around me was terrifying. Everyone I know and love were crowded around a dead body...

Mitch's dead body.

I shot to my feet, but fell instantly.

I burst into tears as I dragged the lower half of my body along the floor until I reached Mitchell.

"MITCH! PLEASE! BIGGUMS, I NEED YOU!" I screamed through sobs that escaped my lips.

He didn't respond.

"J-Jerome... I... Didn't mean it." I tuned around and stared at Chris, a blade in her hand. The same blade she slit the love of my life's neck with.

"I trusted you! WE HAD A FUCKING PLAN CHRIS! I can't believe I'm this stupid. I actually believed you!" My eyes narrowed as I walked towards her slowly, making her back away.

My slow walking turned into a sprint as I tackled her to the ground. Elyssa and Muffin rushed to my sides to pull me away, soon joined by Adam and Jason.

Elyssa and Apple rushed over to Chris, leaving me pinned against a wall by three people. I snarled in my best friends faces.

"Adam! You know what it's like to loose someone, don't you?" I calmed down as I sunk down the cold, brick wall. Earning some small scars on the way down.
Adam nodded slowly. "Then please... Just give me the knife. I can't live without him... I just can't

Adam's eyes widened. A tear ran down his face. "Jerome, it's not the end of the world. We-" I cut him off. "Please don't give me the 'We've All Been There' crap! Please Adam!" I begged, looking up at him with sad eyes. "P-Please."

"Well, well, well! What have we got here?" A familiar voice chimed. I turned around.

"Fish." I growled. "You tricked me!" Chris snarled as she ran up to the bars, her eyes turning yellow, veins turning black. I rushed to her side to calm her. Quinten chuckled.

"Jerome? What's up with her?" Muffin asked as the team rushed to our sides. "It's part of being a bacca. You guys need to back up!" I warned. Nobody moved. "NOW!" I screamed. They all scurried to the walls as Chris screamed in pain.

I sat her down and made her squeeze my hand. "Shh, It's all okay! You're fine." I soothed. She calmed down a few minutes after. Her fox ears grew back, along with other features, and her original hazel eye colour had restored.

"So, who's the first test subject?"

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