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Tsunade stayed silent, expression remaining the same as she returned Shikamaru's stare.

"Why have you done nothing for his safety?"

.         .         .

"If he's so important then why didn't you assign anyone to keep an eye out for him?"

. . .

"All the false accusations towards him, why didn't you speak out to your small minded people and explain to them that he isn't the one who destroyed the village?"

Shikamaru took a strong step forward, his nails digging deep into his palms, his veins presenting itself.

"Is it to wordy for you? Here I'll simplify it for you to say, Uzumaki Naru does not equal the nine tailed fox. See? Easy as that. You are the main voice and face here so what's stopping you?"

.           .           .

"You said you were close to his parents yet you want to continue turning blind eye when he's hurting? How do you think they would feel hm?"

Shikamaru was only growing more irritated at the silence and the blank stare he was receiving.

"What the hell is with the silence! Why won't you answer me?!"

He took many strides towards her, mind clouded in rage that he didn't even realize what he was doing. Before he could get any closer towards her, hands grabbed onto him and pulled him back harshly.

"Shikamaru, calm down. Don't do anything too rashly"

Whipping his head back, the person who had dragged him back was Kiba. Alongside with him, some of his other friends were present as well. They all stared at Shikamaru and Tsunade with weary eyes, not knowing what to say to help cool the tension in the room.

Shikamaru shrugged off his hand harshly and turned his attention back at the silent Hokage.

"I'll calm down when she gives me a reasonable answer to why she hasn't been taking any action"

Ino hesitantly took a step forward and placed her hand on his other shoulder, looking at him with a soft gaze.

"I understand that you're upset but this is Tsunade-sama, she can easily punish you for speaking to her like this. Watch your tone" she whispered.

Shikamaru stayed quiet for a moment before rolling his eyes and scowling again.

"I could care less about what she's gonna do to me, it'll only show that she's weak and knows she's guilty" he said without hesitation.

Ino gasped at his response. She gripped his shoulder and spun him so that he was fully looking at her. She placed both of her hands on both sides of his shoulder and shook him lightly with a distress look.

"Are you crazy?? Are you listening to what you're saying?! Your the brain of the group, where did that go?? Think about what you're saying!"

"I am thinking about what I am saying. Crazy or not, I'm going to continue pushing this subject onto her until she finally breaks"

He grabbed a hold of Ino's wrist and pried them away from him. He turned his body to fully face Tsunade once again, the burning sensation in his chest rising.

"He didn't deserve all the things he's going through! Why does he have to be the one getting punished over-"

He was once again stopped when arms circled around his stomach and squeezed him lightly. He then felt a head resting on his back.

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