new bonds

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Shikamaru had believed that he would get the privilege to sit beside Naruto since they are the hot topic but instead, he had been shoved down to the farthest side of the table while everyone surrounded the short boy.

Earlier, they all played rock paper scissors to see who could get to sit next to Naruto since they all kept arguing with each other and couldn't meet at an endpoint. In the end, Sasuke and Hinata won to everyone's disappointment but they all stopped arguing after that.

Naruto faced Hinata and stared at her with a thinking pout. She blushed at the attention and wanted to shy away but she pushed herself to make a conversation with him.

"I-is there something wrong?" she asked, fidgeting with her fingers.

Naruto grinned at her once his memory kicked in, "You're that girl who did that cool air push thing with your palms right? You're really strong ya know! I was really impressed with how strong that gust was and how concentrated you looked but, what was up with your eyes though? I saw Neji also having those veins on the sides of his eyes"

Hinata eyes widened for a split second before she started to glow at the praise she was given. Very rarely has someone outside her friend group compliment her fighting style since her cousin Neji is the strongest out of the two and also being the one to answer the question is rare for her too. Hearing Naruto say all those things made her feel accomplished of herself even though she barley knows anything about the boy.

"Ah well me and Neji are from the Hyūga clan. Members who are born under the clan possess this special trait called the Byakugan, it basically gives us the ability to extend our field of vision and allows us to see through objects alongside with others chakra circulatory system" Hinata explained with a small smile. She was enjoying seeing Naruto being intrigued with what she is explaining, it was like telling a story to a curious kid.

"Growing up, we are trained to fight by using the gentle fist style. With our Byakugan activated, we can see our opponents chakra pathway and hit those certain points to disable the flow. Alongside with that, we have the abilities to use our chakra to use as attacks like the Hakkeshō Kaiten which Neji is able to use well"

"Oh! Is it that where he spun around? If my memory is correct, I faintly remember seeing him use that technique during the Chuunin exam a while back"

"Huh? You were there in the seatings??" Tenten asked, one side of her mouth having been stuffed with food.

"More like sneaking on the top but yeah I was, Shikamaru begged me to go and I felt pity for him so I went. Neji looked really cool and he easily bested his opponent"

Sasuke raised a teasing eyebrow at Shikamaru, "You? Begging?"

"Troublesome" Shikamaru mumbled while rubbing his forehead. When will they stop? Can't a man express his liking without being bombed with questions? It's really not that shocking.

"Ah Thank you for the compliment Naruto" Neji smiled at him.

"Dang Hinata, that's the most you've ever said without stuttering to someone new!" Tenten gaped.

Hinata panicked after Tenten pointed that out, "Ah I-I'm trying my best is all!"

"Aanndd she's back"

"That's so cool!! Gosh if only I was born with a natural talent and being able to train it up to its full extent! How about you all??"

"It's better to show you our skills so enough about us! Tell us more about you! I'm curious about you" Kiba shouted out excitingly.

Naruto looked over at him, scanning him from the top of his head to his torso and frowned.

"Wait a minute, weren't you that guy who called me a clueless fighter when I save all of your guys life?"

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