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It has been a week ever since Shikamaru had encountered Naruto. He tried to ignore his thoughts on him, already knowing how much work he'll be and he doesn't want to go through all that. Naruto's type of energy is the one Shikamaru tries to avoid at all cost.

But the guilt was eating him up for purposely ignoring the blondie. He was the one who said that they were friends. The scene where Naruto was jumping from joy when he told him that. Innocent smiles and very high jumps.

Alright, he made up his mind. He is going to go see the blondie, no matter how troublesome it might be.

Shikamaru searched around the whole village trying to spot him only to succeed with nothing. This process was draining him physically. He cursed his brain for being so noisy about another persons life.

Trying one last place to hopefully find him, the grassland cliff place.

And there he was, sitting on the ledge quietly humming. He released an exhausted sigh, he finally found him.

Naruto stopped his humming. Carefully listening, he could hear the sound of the grass cracking behind him. He immediately stood up and held his guard, ready to run away at any moment.

"Woah hey, it's just me" Shikamaru raised his hands in defense.

Naruto made a small shocked noise seeing who it was. He quickly made his way towards him with a big smile.

"You're here! I've been wondering when I would see you again! I don't know where you usually are so I have been waiting at this spot for you!"

Haha...hah.. way to add onto the guilt that Shikamaru was already feeling.

"..Sorry about that, I've been uh busy"

He gently held onto Naruto's arm and dragged him away from the edge, towards a more safer distance. He is gonna make sure to know this boy better or else he won't ever stop thinking about Naruto.

Shikamaru sat down, making sure to pull Naruto down with him and prepared himself.

"I want to know more things about you and in return, I'll tell you some things about me"

Naruto was taken aback by this. Yeah he knows it's natural to get to know a friend but the way Shikamaru said it, made him sound suspicious.

Back on his guard again, he moved his head closer towards Shikamaru's face and squinted his covered eyes.

"Are you gonna use the info against me? Are you planning somethin bad?"

"What? No, I just wanted to know you better"
it was Shikamaru's turn to be taken aback by the questions.

Naruto quickly raised his pinky up on Shikamaru's face.

"Pinky promise me!"


Shikamaru did as he was told, interlocking his own pinky with his.

With a satisfied smile, Naruto made himself comfortable on the ground again.

"Phew! You got me scared there for a second! Okay, what would you like to know?"

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