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Shikamaru sighed out of relief, he was able to get sent home early today since he managed to do his part without much time wasted. Having to guard and protect a royalty is a pain in the ass, the entitled little thing kept nagging at him and his team.

Superiority complex much.

With Naruto being off with his new team, Shikamaru now has the chance of finally push forward on what he'd always been trying to do for a while now.

Researching further on Naruto's curse.

He'd been trying for the past couple of months but each time, he would always get bothered by something. One of the times was when an anbu was sent by the Hokage to help her build off ideas of the wall around their village and the other was when a cat decided to steal one of his scroll from his pouch and ran away.

But today is going to be different, nothing is going to bother him no matter what. If he wants to have a future with Naruto then he can't keep letting small things distract him, not even Hokage's orders.

He thought about including Naruto into his research but scratched it off for it could bring bad memories that he'd rather not remember. Plus Naruto is also going to be busy with his new change in life, aka having his very own teammates. Tsunade had discussed to them about sending him and the rest to missions out of the village in order to stall the attackers as much as possible.

Shikamaru will do course discuss with him about some things whenever he has time since he is the person cursed and knows more things then he does. Right now, he just wants him to enjoy his time with being an official shinobi that he'd been dreaming about for so long.

He headed inside the research library, going to his usual workspace and shutting the door behind him. Looking around on the table, everything was scattered. All with different books, sheets of papers, and even scrolls with things relating to curses yet none of them connects well the Naruto's.

"Well let's get started"

He sat down on one of the chairs and glanced over at the pile which are somehow connected, but mostly are just story beginners.

He picked the paper where he lastly looked at and reread it.

"Casting a curse upon someone is a dangerous thing to do since it could affect ones life without mercy to them. Curses aren't necessarily the most easiest to break with outside parties, the simplistic way to break one is from the person who casted it themselves since the scroll they learned it from sometimes has a reverse trait. However..." and that's where the next part cuts off.

His head loosened and fell on top of the hardwood table top, running his hand through his hair to help soothe down his already incoming headache.

He turned his head so that his cheek was resting against the table and looked at the board he created. There at the center was the piece of paper that was used on Naruto from back then, it was lucky enough that he had kept it for him to be able to somewhat figure some things out. Around it were different scenarios and some with guessing suspects with strings connecting them to whatever seemed right. Yet not one string connected to the center paper.

The first was the keeper/s from the orphanage Naruto went to. It would be pretty obvious that they were pretty much the first guess.

The second would be the people who visited Naruto during his earlier childhood. Based on his search, visitors would always have to sign in their names and information when visiting the orphanage.

And lastly the generals, if it were none of the two then it's going to be someone from an outside. He really hopes it's one of the two guesses because it could literally be anyone. Without much details about the lady with a wicked smile, he can't really do much at the moment but to interview around.

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