entering a restaurant

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"Shikkaaa please nooooo"

It's been days after their little sleepover. Naruto was lounging around in his apartment, trying to clean up all the empty cups of ramens and whatnots into bags so that he could have more space. But soon, he was interrupted by Shikamaru who came over and now was trying to drag him to go out and eat somewhere.

Ever since Shikamaru had discovered where he'd lived, he'd been visiting him a lot. Not that Naruto minded, it was just a little funny is all. Whenever he showed up, it was mostly them talking for a bit and then taking a nap on the floor. He too was allowed to visit over his place anytime so it was a win-win type of thing.

"Naru come on, you can't keep eating ramen noodles. That's why you're so damn short!"


Okay yeah fair point but hOW DARE HE EVEN SAY IT.

Naruto cheeks swelled up, fuming at Shikamaru's remark.

"I'm still a growing boy damnit!! I'm still at the growing age so shut up about my height!" Naruto tried to clap back.

"Ive heard of that little saying before but as the oldest, I'm taking you to come with me and eat different food that's not just ramen!" Shikamaru returned the heat.

"YOU'RE ONLY A YEAR OLDER THAN ME! WAIT WHAT DOES AGE EVEN HAVE TO DO WITH- sIGH you should already know how they'll react when they see me! Also! Why are you up and running?! That's not the Shika I know!!"

Shikamaru gave him a confident grin, "Don't worry, they will accept you inside and today is one of those very super rare days to see me like this so come on"

Naruto was baffled by that, no way in hell they would let him enter inside nor even allow him to just walk by!

Shikamaru could tell that he was still hesitant about going so he took Naruto's hand with both of his own and held onto them.

"You want to explore out more right?" Shikamaru asked.

It took a few seconds before Naruto answered, nodding his head slowly.

"Then I'm gonna make sure that you can, leave it to me. I'll figure something out" Shikamaru reassures, letting one of his hand go and ruffle Naruto's hair around.

Naruto still wanted to deny his request but couldn't bring himself to continue doing so. Seeing how confident and reassuring Shikamaru was being made him want to believe that it'll all be okay.

Maybe just for one day. Just this day he can defy everyone's rule.. just for a little while.

"Ugh alright you stubborn man, you win this time" Naruto sighed, giving into Shikamaru's request.

Shikamaru smiled victoriously, shifting their hands around so that they were interlacing their fingers together before exiting Naruto's apartment (and shutting his door of course).

Naruto stared at their hands, feeling his cheeks heat up. This was also something he'd been doing a lot lately. Holding his hand, snuggling on his lap, etc. It's quite strange honestly that he is enjoying this but it is kind of embarrassing being so affectionate in public, or even when they are alone.

"Why are we holding hands?" Naruto asked shyly, staring at the dirt ground while they walked.

"Hm I wonder~" Shikamaru playfully responded, a smirk threatening to show itself.

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