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Naruto's hands shakes as he stared at the scroll, the ink that was drawn inside glowed a bright red color. The drawn on scribbles shifted around, sliding off of the paper and slowly moving its way up to his arms.

It was leaving burn marks as it trailed up higher, reaching to his face and the ends of his toes. If his earlier experience wasn't bad, this time it was like his skin was on fire.

His fingers loosened, the scroll slipping from his hands. The scroll drop with a soft thud and he backed away with shaky steps. He fell onto his knees while hugging his stomach. His stomach felt too itchy, he scratched harshly under his shirt, nails digging deep into his skin, and leaving scratch marks that would very shortly heal. The main boiling point was where his stomach was, more specifically, the seal.

Every time he'd close his eyes, all he could see was the damn fox, smirking right at him in victorious.

When the scribbles stopped moving, they began to straighten themselves out to create thicker lines, all connecting with his seal.

After a few seconds, red chakra began to escape from his seal and surrounded his body. His nails grew sharper while his teeth became more animalistic. He whimpered out in pain, tears brimming in his eyes that would sizzle away from the heat.

He closed his eyes, realizing that he was going to be taken control over by the beast that lives inside him but he fought back.

Tobi observed from a far distance, examining closely at Naruto's state. He watched as the red chakra began to take a form of the Kyuubi cloak. Shaping fox like ears on top of Naruto's head and a fox tail right below.

"Good, good~"

He was almost complete, it was all going according to plan.

He hummed when he saw Naruto disappear from his spot and reappeared right in front of him in a matter of seconds. He chuckled at him, sinking his body against the tree.

"Now you're too out of control"

Naruto slammed his finger like claws at his direction, completely missing his target and only caused the tree to fall down. Standing on all fours, he scanned around, low growls coming from the back of his throat.

Tobi reappeared from his hiding spot, now beginning his taunts at the uncontrollable boy.

"Look at you, you're exactly like a wild animal. No sense of thoughts, just a careless little fox"

"I am not the damn fox!"

Naruto quickly scurried to where Tobi was standing and use his nails to attack once more. Like how he did it before, Tobi disappeared from his spot before he could reach him, emerging right below his feet at ease.

The tree, once again, was fully cut through and tumbled down, leaving a loud thud when it landed.

On and on, they repeated this cycle. Tobi appearing from different places and Naruto would instantly charge at him without thinking.

Naruto is a wild fox on the loose, not thinking of the consequences, not caring about the environment. Surging in his body was immense strength and power of the Kyuubi, all he felt was how powerful he was and at the same time, felt immense hatred towards everything.

Tobi knew what he was doing, he wants to rile him up more, to get him to lose more of his self control.

And it was working.

The more Naruto misses, the more frustrated he got and when he had enough of the game he was playing with him, he let out a loud scream.

With how much force the scream had, the ground around him cracked, making them all move in many directions and leaving huge chunks.

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