unexpected bond

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Naruto was busying himself by making flower crowns for himself. Shikamaru was busy training for his final so he is gonna be alone for a while until the finals starts.

He was happy that Shikamaru wanted him to be there but he was honestly worried about himself showing up to an event full of other people. Nothing good really happens whenever he shows himself anywhere that's filled with people.

Later he's gonna need to stop thinking so negatively or else he'll bring down Shikamaru's energy!

"I wonder how Shika fights.."

It excited him that he was able to watch him fight. Shikamaru had told him about his clan jutsu with the shadows and stuff but when Naruto asked him to show, he'd simply say no and sleep afterwards.

Hmph! So lame!

"One, two, three, four-"


He stopped his counting, he heard some rustling behind him. Whatever it is, it has some intense aura going on right now.

He sat still and watched around the area where he heard the noise from, silently hoping it was just an animal. Turns out, it wasn't what he was hoping for. Instead, it was a boy with red hair carrying a big gourd on his back. The boy was looking around until his eyes landed on him.

People don't come around here usually so this sparked Naruto's curiosity. He stood up while the unnamed boy silently walked closer to him.

"Uhm.. hi? Are you lost?"

The person just kept silent, boring his eyes into his own. Naruto was getting uncomfortable.



Naruto nodded.

"You are the same as me"

If it was possible, a question mark would've appeared on top of Naruto's head.

"What do you mean?"

"You have something inside of you and so do I"

Naruto understood immediately what he was referring to. Shocked came and left before being replaced with interest and then he got a little uncomfortable.

Gaara was just.. standing there, staring at him.





"Yooou uh.. wanna make flower crowns with me?"

Not expecting Naruto to ask him something like that, he stood a little puzzled.

"... sure"


"Aaah so your name is Gaara from Suna village, it's nice to meet you! I'm Uzumaki Naruto"

Naruto was showing Gaara the right twist and turns to make a flower accessory.

"It must be hard for you, just know that I go through the same treatment so I'll be here for you. Consider me a friend!"

What? This boy barley knows Gaara but he considered him a friend?

It was short and simple but it kind of stirred around his heart. All he had was his siblings, everyone else would vanish in his life or avoid him. He was grateful for his siblings but with Naruto, it was hitting differently.

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