the beginning

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Age: 8-12 years
It was just another day. Nothing new, nothing special.

Nara Shikamaru, a kid who didn't really enjoy being productive. He found almost anything and anyone troublesome. Just a simple genius who likes simple and quiet things in life.

"Shikamaru, you wanna go hangout with me?" his friend Choji asked.

Shikamaru was seated on his spot, laying down on his crossed arms, raised one arm up and flicked his hand back and forth.

"Sorry Choji, I don't have the energy right now. Sensei really drained me this time" Shikamaru responded.

"You never have the energy for anything" Choji jokingly snickers out.

"Alright I'll see you tomorrow then! Bye"

Aah, peace and qui-

"Shikamaru, you know you're not supposed to stay here and sleep"

Ugh dang it, it's Iruka-sensei. Always be ruining Shikamaru's mood. With a loud groan, he got up with a shlump and walked out the door. All he just wanted was to sleep, why is it so hard to get something so simple? It's not like he'd done anything bad.

Walking out of the school, he traveled around the village, searching for the perfect spot to just nap out. Apparently, luck was on his side. He managed to spot an area full of grass and flowers near the edges of a cliff. It was very quiet.

It was perfect.. almost.

He examined his surroundings more closely and spotted something that looked out of placed.

A bundle of bright yellow hair.

The person was crouched down, seemingly picking some flowers while humming. A slight ring of bells could be heard every time they swayed their head.

"Scratch that, luck is not on my side" Shikamaru thought to himself.

He took a step back, quietly trying to leave so he wouldn't get the other persons attention but failed doing so when he watched their head perked up and turned to his direction.

"Dang it.."

Oh, it's just a small boy. The boy had a fox mask covering half of his face so Shikamaru couldn't really identify who he is. However he could see three.. scratch marks¿ on both of his cheeks, resembling whiskers. What a unique feature.

The boy walked up towards him, hand behind his back while he leaned forward.

"Yo! Are you lost?" the blondie questioned with a booming voice.

"..No not exactly.." Shikamaru mumbled, surprised a little. He did not expect such a high voice from a small body.

"Oh well you wanna keep me company? I'm pretty bored and no one ever is around this area but you look like a nice person!" the boy said, holding his hands together with a hopeful smile presented.

This was the exact opposite of what Shikamaru was planning on doing and he wanted to leave; But hearing how this boy closely sounded desperate for company, he didn't have the heart to say no.

Slumping his shoulders, he gave him an answer.

"Alright, I'll keep you company BUT don't blow my ears off"

With that, Shikamaru sat down and rested his head on his arm.

"WAAH really?! You'll stay with me?!!?" the boy yelled out of surprised, crouching down in front of him and leaning waay too close to Shikamaru's face.

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