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Naruto woke up to the sound of beeps coming from the right side of his ear. He groaned out of pain when he shifted his body around, his whole muscles were sore and his skin felt like they were being burnt off.

Overall, he felt like shit.

He forced himself to sit up from wherever he is laying and examined the room. The place was very white, from the walls to the ceilings and the floor. The air smelt too clean for his liking, a little crispy. It honestly itches his brain just taking in a few breaths in.

He noticed something attached to his arm left, a long plastic tube has been needled in his skin and connected to a bag full of... he's not sure what it is.

Looking down, his arms were covered in bandages. From his wrist to his upper arm, and with that way that it's wrapped, he was glad that he could still bend his arm around without trouble. He shifted his legs a bit, also feeling bandages down below.

He lifted his left hand to his face and felt a patch on his left cheek. He then lifted his hand a bit higher and felt a wood material resting on his face, he sighed out of relief that his mask was still there.

Then his shoulders jumped up a bit, feeling someone grip his other hand tightly out of nowhere. He turned his head over to his right side and sees the one person dear to him, Shikamaru.

Shikamaru was sleeping peacefully by his side, sitting on a chair while holding his hand. Naruto worries if his back was hurting from the uncomfortable position he's in.

However his main staring point was their hands. Naruto lips tightens as he stares at Shikamaru's hand on top of his own. Even though he found comfort in the warmth, he didn't like that Shikamaru was touching someone corrupted.

He gently tried to pull his hand away without waking the sleeping genius up but failed miserably when Shikamaru's hold tightens even more and started shifting in his spot. Naruto felt the back of his neck beginning to build up sweat as he watched Shikamaru slowly wake up.

Shikamaru let out a low groan, his eyebrows knitting together as he lifts himself off the bed. His back cracked, feeling the soreness from the uncomfortable position. He sleepily stared off into space for a few seconds before turning to check on Naruto.

And to his surprise, Naruto was fully awake and staring right at him.

The sleep instantly vanished from his eyes and he smiled widely. He picked up Naruto's hand and covered it with both of his own.

"Naru! How are you feeling?? Are you still hurting anywhere? Perhaps hungry?"

Naruto let out a soft giggle at Shikamaru's rapid questioning, he'd never seen him like this before so this was quite something.

He smiled softly at him, "I'm fine now but where am I?"

"The leaf hospital, you passed out after your fight and fell into a deep slumber for almost 72 hours. If I'm being honest, I would've went crazy if you hadn't woken up sooner" Shikamaru said, chuckling afterwards.

So this is what a hospital looks like. Naruto was never allowed in here so he never knew what kind of things they had nor what it looked liked.

Naruto scanned him down with his eyes. Shikamaru looked like a mess, dark eye bags, loose pony tail, and red eyes.

"Shika, have you've been taking care of yourself while I was out? Don't lie to me mister!"

"Not really, I've been stressed ever since I heard the news that you went against the Akatsuki again. I visited you every day and waited by your side until you wake up"

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