suspicion. 1

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Age: 11-15 years
Shikamaru is very burnt out, mentality and physically. He's been training day and night and his muscles are sore as hell.

Right now, he was finally able to do the thing he's been enjoying for a while and it's talking to Naruto. It's been quite enjoyable being with the fellow, Naruto counts as his special friend now.

He told Naruto earlier before that he was gonna be busy for a few weeks so you could say that it's been a while since he last saw him and even talked to him.

Yaaawn~, he continued his destination.

———-With Naruto!———-

Naruto was laying down on the grass area in silence, watching the bird fly up in the sky.

" peaceful.." Naruto whispered to himself. The blue birds were able to just roam around, without caring about any problems. How envious he was of them.


He has to get rid of these feelings fast!

Think.... THINKK!!

Ah! The new clothes he had gotten.
There was this nice man who bought him new set of clothes.

It is a pretty simple outfit. He was wearing an orange jacket that was slightly big on him, the collar was a little loose around his neck. Underneath it, he wore a long sleeve black turtle neck. Finally with black, bottom loose, pants that stopped right below his knee and plain regular blue shoes.

It was nice to have something new like this! Naruto was jumping from joy when he received this. He hopes one day he will encountered the man with the mask again.

"Hey Naru"

Hehe there he is. Naruto sat up and crossed his legs while rocking back and forth.

"Yo!! Long time no seeee~"

Shikamaru had a bag full of snacks and placed it down before bending down and grabbing onto Naruto's shoulder, making him stop his movement. Then he sat down beside, back facing him and laid down on his lap. He let out a sigh of satisfaction.
Naruto just allowed him to lay, assuming that his friend is tired out from training.

"Looks like you're all burnt out" Naruto giggles out.

"Yeah... still fresh out but me and my team have to do so many things already"

Naruto caught something shiny on Shikamaru's upper arm. It was the official headband. Smiling big, he felt really proud for his friend.

"Congratulations on becoming an official shinobi! You worked hard dattebayo!"

Shikamaru cracked one of his eyes open to look up at Naruto. He was giving him a soft yet big smile and Shikamaru gave him a lazy smile as a return.

"Thank you, would you like to know what I've been doing?"

Naruto hummed out enthusiastically and nodded, light rings of the familiar bells ringed.

"Heh alright listen up to my aammmaazziinngg adventure" Shikamaru said in a monotone, twirling his finger around and saying soft woohoo's~.

Before he tells him, he skimmed through the bag he brought and pulled out a cold beverage and a straw.

"Here, I got some snacks for us"

Naruto laughed softly at him before taking the drink. He missed talking to him, every day is fun now thanks to him.

"I'm in the typical Ino-Shika-Cho formation with the captain name Asuma-sensei. All we did was introduce ourselves but then the next day, we had to take a test about teamwork. It was easy since I caught on but he really didn't need to roughhouse us around, my muscles were sore afterwards. Thinking about that again is giving me a headache"

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