operation no think

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"Yooouu are tougher than this! Don't be stupid and do stupid things alright? Can't let a man like him affect you anymore because you're not weak, be immune!!"

Naruto is currently sitting in front of his room mirror set in on his closet doors. After punching down his heart for about 25 minutes, he felt like he needed to have a serious talk with himself. He's almost disgusted at the way he is acting around Shikamaru.

Damn, this got him missing the good ol days where all he would think about was making flower crowns while chatting with Shikamaru after he finished school.

The days where he didn't know that he had a... smaaaall thiiingg for the smart, beefed up, man-boy.

He glanced down on his hands. He could still feel the tight up shoulder muscles under his skin... wonder what it would feel like if Shikamaru carried him in his arms..



His weak side is showing again! Naruto puffed up his cheeks and slapped them lightly. He needs to focus, he cannot slip around any longer like this. He will conquer all, he will be immune, he will punch down his heart and become stronger.

Screw having a crush!

Feelings equals bad!

Alright! He can do this, he can't always act like this now that he's living at another person's family's house so he's gonna have to get his act straight. Maybe replacing Shikamaru's face with an image of a  cat would help him out... yeah not a bad idea, he'll give that a try.


"Naru, are you alright now? Come out and eat a snack with me"

It's time to show Shikamaru that his teasings won't have any affect on him anymore!

Naruto raised a fist to himself as a one last encouragement before standing up from his spot and making his way towards the door. He slammed the door open with a determined stance and marched past Shikamaru.

Shikamaru followed his movements with his eyes, thinking to himself, "What the hell?"

Naruto continued his stance, entering the kitchen and examining around. He sees a plate full of round colorful ball shaped things that was set on the counter with a small little letter from Yoshino.

"I made you babies some mochi! I hope you boys enjoy it and please remember to eat a meal later!
~ <3 Mommy Yoshino"

Awh, how sweet of her. Naruto smiled softly at the small note and placed his attention towards the dish of sweets. Naruto picked one up and felt the texture around. He's never eaten something like this before so this'll be interesting. He gleefully took a bite out of it and instantly hummed in satisfaction.

The texture of it is something he'd never felt before. Sticky, soft, stretchy, and very chewy. It was perfect for his taste buds! He hurriedly shoved the rest into his mouth before grabbing another one, ready to plop it in at anytime.

Eating this made him feel happy and at ease.

"Looks like you're enjoying yourself there"

Naruto hummed again as a response and continued chewing peacefully, completely ignoring his surroundings. Shikamaru walked over to where he was and grabbed a hold of a mochi of his own. He then directed it over towards Naruto's mouth, making a soft Ahh~ sound.

"Mmmm.. mochi"

Naruto leaned in closer and chomped on it but before he could fully bite into it, he snapped back to reality and jerked his head up at Shikamaru.

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