other's view

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"Shikamaru! Damnit stop groaning every time you wake up!"

Shikamaru laid, not moving from his position after hearing his mother yelling at him. His upper body was currently being hanged off his bed, the top of his head resting of the cold wood floor.

"... Troublesome women"

"Huuh~? You always want to mumble something to me so how about you come down here and say that LOUD and CLEAR to my face?"

. . .

Shikamaru lowly but quickly apologized after some silence. Her and her frightening good ears always amazes him, he didn't even say that loud enough for her to hear yet she managed to hear it all.

Today was his teams day off from missions and training, Shikamaru was planning on staying in his compound and laze away while later see if Naruto was at their usual, but an idea popped up while he was sleeping.

He was gonna ask people, who he knew, about any information they know or heard about Naruto. This way, it'll maybe help build it off from something.

"Come downstairs and start eating!!"

Heaving a tired sigh, he stood up and stretched out his body before walking slowly down his stairs where his parents were already sitting.

————————Then it begins———————

"It's more crowded then usual, hmm how bothering" Shikamaru thought to himself as he was being pushed around in the crowd.

He should've walked the other road to avoid this but he's already too far down the road so might as well continue through this. His first stop was to a familiar flower shop owned by the one and only Yamanaka clan.

Once he reached the store, he entered inside and was already greeted with the sight of Ino and the new teammate from Kakashi's team, Sai.

Him and Sai aren't very close, Sai can be a little awkward with how he expresses himself. For example, one day during his introduction of joining the team, Sakura was already in a somewhat bad mood and it was obvious. Sai saw how tired she looked and went up to her.

His intentions were to use comforting words to his new teammate but instead...

"You frowning makes you look more like a boar"


Let's just say the end results is just as expected.

"Shikamaru? What are you doing here?" Ino questioned, tilting her head to the side while she gently placed down a bundle of flowers in a vase.

Shikamaru walked a little closer to them, resting his body on the counter, "I just have a question for the both of you"

"Huhh?? The both of us?? Oh my, could it be...?"

"Wait why are you panicking?"

Ino was full on pacing around her store, mumbling inaudible words and her eyes were quivering slightly.

Shikamaru was about to call her again but before a word could even come out,



"HE WAS JUST HERE TO HELP ME, it's nothing at all!"

"Ino please-"

He gave up fast, realizing that Ino isn't gonna calm down anytime soon.

What a great way to start this off.

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