eating out

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Shikamaru stood, waiting for Naruto so that they can go and eat out. His set priority for today was to see anything different with Naruto, any sudden emotion changes or body motions.. anything that can help Shikamaru understand him more.

"Oooooi Shika! Sorry for making you wait, something caught up!" Naruto shouted out, swinging one of his hands high up.

He stopped right in front of Shikamaru, taking in deep breathes from his jog.

Shikamaru let out a dissatisfying sigh and folded his arms together, eyes boring into Naruto, causing him to start sweating nervously.

"I was getting tired of waiting for you troublesome blond"

Naruto panicked a bit, "I didn't mean it! I-I just uuuhh uhm busy!! And-"

Shikamaru laughed lightly at him while Naruto was still trying to put his sentence in order. He unfolded his arms, raising one up to ruffle Naruto's hair and smiled softly at him.

"Im just kidding, you're fine so let's get going yeah?"

Naruto smiled back at him but bigger and brighter.


While they walked, the most Shikamaru had seen from Naruto was just that he was a little stiff while walking. Everything else however was the same. Naruto was chatting his heart away still having his grin set and ready to be shown off.

Heck they were almost there to Ichiraku ramen stand while nothing has happened.

Well yeah it's a good thing nothing has happened but this doesn't help build off more on what is happening to Naruto, so you could say Shikamaru was a little frustrated. But, seeing how happy Naruto looks right now was enough for Shikamaru to defuse. 

Just the typical Naruto.

However, he heard whispers, a lot of whispering around them. When he glanced over their surroundings, it felt very.. off.

He listened and watched closely.





"This is.."

He stopped his train of thoughts when he was pulled forward by Naruto, forcing him to speed up his pacing.

"-and can you believe that?! People these days right Shika?"

"U-uh yeah" Shikamaru answered, obviously lost on what Naruto was even talking about.

They both went closer inside, greeted by the owner.

"Welcome to- oh Naruto, long time no see! You brought someone with you this time" Teuchi said with a smile.

"Yo Old man! Sorry, I've been a little busy and this is my friend, Shika" Naruto said with a grin.

O-old man? That is quite a bold move there, Shikamaru tried his best not to smile at that.

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