flower crown

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It was a warm morning, the trees beginning to take in the spring colors while the birds chirp happily. Naruto was currently sleeping in his bed, his pillows and blankets hanging off of the bed and him snoring like there wasn't any problems. If you were to drop a bowling ball right next to him, he wouldn't even flinch.

Having to go and practice with his now current team for two months straight without much break, it's understandable to why he's knocked out to this extent. Kakashi had announced yesterday after practice that they would be receiving a break off from work and rest or do whatever they wanted to do.

And so Naruto is choosing to sleep his soreness away.

However, even in his deep slumber, he felt something shift around him, like there was a presence in his room. His face scowled a little while his body jolts, forcing him to wake up and figure out what is in his room.

Cracking his eyes open, he blinked a bit to adjust to the bright lighting, and sat up slowly. He stretched his arms high up in the air and then scratched his stomach with a yawn.

He scanned around the room, the feeling of a presence still lingering around him. He twisted his head further towards his right and sees something black and spiked up. With him being half awake, his first thought was-


He zoomed back into the corner of the bed and held his blanket up to his nose, now fully awake and aware of his surrounding.

"Really? A skunk? Couldn't compare me to something nicer?"

Naruto squinted his eyes a little, trying to get them to focus on the person in his room. He then huffed after realizing who it was and threw a pillow right at him.

"What the hell Shika! Why are you laying down on your side, with your back turned beside my bed?! I nearly lost half of my life span dumbass!"

Shikamaru took the pillow and placed it under his head, proceeding to lay there with a bored look.

"Profanity this early in the morning?"

Naruto fell back down on his bed, his body relaxing again against the warm sheets.

"Mff fff mhmmfmm"

"Excuse me what?"

Naruto turned his head to the side, glaring holes at the back of Shikamaru's head.

"I asked what are you doing laying there"

"Well your mask isn't on so I can't really look at you at the moment. I'm a man with respect... ya know"

Naruto instantly slapped his eyes, only to feel his bare skin and hissed at the pain. He threw his blankets up hurriedly and found it right at the end of his bed. He picked it up and quickly wrapped the ribbons around his head.

"Doesn't give you an excuse to lay there while I'm sleeping you creep" Naruto mumbled out after making a bow. He then crawled over to where Shikamaru is and jammed his finger in the back of his head.

"Stop whining so much, I wasn't even here for that long. Anyways go get ready" Shikamaru said before standing up and walking towards the door.

"Get ready for what? I don't feel like going anywhere uughh my arms are sore from swinging my fan arounnd uughhh"

"We're going to a flower field"

And before Shikamaru could close the door, Naruto stood right in front of him with his new fresh clothes and imaginary sparkles surrounding him.

"I'm ready!"

Shikamaru shook his head softly and messed around with Naruto's hair.

"Brush your teeth and wash your face dummy"

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