Chapter 34: Scotch and Feelings

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"What's the pepper for?"

"For more taste..."

"The Allspice??"

"For more taste too"

"And the Thyme?"

"...Herbs, it adds more taste too..."

The blackhaired girl replied after pausing for a few seconds. The older boy beside her gave a confused look. He then crossed his arms over his chest and frowned.

"Shiro, your answers are not making any sense..." He complained.

The said girl just rolled her eyes and continued stirring the aromatic reddish dish she is cooking. Watching it simmer as she stirs in a clockwise motion.

"If you're not going to help me here, then go away. I don't want to ruin our dinner tonight. The two Hyenas in the living room will kill you if you disturb me and accidentally ruin the dish..." She plainly stated as she lifted the ladle out of the pot.

"Then teach me..."

Shiro stopped what she was doing, which is gently putting the sliced carrots on the pot, and looked at the man beside her with an annoyed look.

"Teach you what??"

"How to cook..." He cheekily replied with a boyish grin.

Shiro scoffed at him in amusement and continued pouring the carrots on the pot and stirred it once again.

"No" She bluntly replied making the said man pout.



Just when she thought he finally gave up from the idea, a pair of warm and big arms suddenly snaked it's way around her waist, startling her and making her turn around.

She was surprised to see his face a few centimeters away from hers. He was smirking as he placed his chin over her shoulder.


"I swear, If you don't let go, I'm going to hit you with this ladle..." She threatened as she tries to hide her blush.

The dark haired man sighed in defeat and gave his hug on her a gentle squeeze.

"Alright. I'll stop, but in one condtion..."

Shiro quirked an eyebrow at his smirking face, and waited for to continue.

"Give me a kiss..."

Shiro rolled her eyes at him and went back to her task.

"Just shut up and Go already" She huffed, her blush becoming more visible on her cheeks and neck.

"Come on, Just one!" He pleaded.

"Fine. Just one..." Then she gave him a peck in the lips and turned back to her task but halfway in her turn, He pulled her back and held her face and gave her a deep kiss.


"Hey, Less flirting, more cooking. The food won't cook itself..."

20:07, THUR

Shiro's POV

"Kyo-nii, what happened to your face??"

Tsubaki suddenly asked as we all started eating. They all glanced at him, while I just chuckled softly beside him while dipping a piece of meat in a sauce.

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