Chapter 24: Snow Flakes (Christmas OVA)

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Third Person's POV

Crunchy crumpled gift wrappers and torn ribbons. It was all scattered on the floor as the Asahina brothers and Hinata sisters opened their gifts in excitement. They were all clearly happy and satisfied with their gifts. Well, Shiro though... She doesn't know how she should feel.

In front of her, was her fourteen gifts. She then separated three different gifts from the stack.

"Can someone explain..." She started as she gestured her hands to the eleven gifts that was aligned in front of her.

"How this eleven people coincidentally bought the same gift, or are you guys playing a prank on me?" She asked, somewhat amused.

"I mean, not that I don't appreciate your gifts but, how come you all bought me a watch?" She asked again in disbelief, while Hikaru and Ema were quietly laughing in the background.

"And you also have the same brand!" she marveled as she held up two watches.

The brothers embarrassingly smiled,well some chuckled, and they all mumbled an apology.

I'm not saying that Shiro is unfortunate, but who wouldn't be surprised to be given by the same gift for eleven times? Not to brag or anything, but Shiro already has 12 watches in her collection, and adding eleven, that's 23. And that's already a lot for her. She only has two arms for goodness sake.

The only ones who didn't give her a watch as a gift was Hikaru, Ema and Wataru. Hikaru got her a new white gold bracelet, then Ema gave her a new bottle of her favorite Burberry© cologne. And Wataru, he gave her a simple but a heartwarming gift, a Christmas card.

Well, She's not disappointed actually, she actually found it amusing and funny. She was taking the coincidence positively.

"Anyway, Thanks everyone..." she chuckled.

"Sorry about that..." Masaomi guiltily said with an apologetic smile.

"No, It's alright. I'm just teasing. I did find it amusing though" She stated with a smile making the brothers chuckle and laugh.

The night then continued with them just talking about random things. When it finally reached midnight, they all finally agreed to go to bed. Shiro volunteered to tuck the already asleep Wataru on the couch, but Masaomi declined and insisted that he'll do it instead. But of course, Shiro being the stubborn woman she is, Masaomi had no choice but to let Shiro do it. He sighed and Shiro just chuckled softly.

She then picked up the boy from the couch and rested his head on her shoulders while Masaomi did the honor of holding the elevator open for her and decided to just assist his sister in putting Wataru to bed.

As they reached the young boy's room, Masaomi pulled the blanket away for Shiro to put the sleeping Wataru on the bed. Shiro then pulled the blanket over Wataru and tucked it into his shoulder. Meanwhile, Masaomi turned the nightlight on.

After that, They finally went out of Wataru's room and bid themselves goodnight before getting inside their respective bedroom, to do some light packing before going to bed.


It was early in the morning, and the ones who were going to the Skii resort are already putting their luggage on the Black Van they rented. Shiro was on the phone, talking to one of her workmates who was unfortunate enough to have work on Christmas day, and top with that, in the very early morning. She was the last one to stuff his luggage in the Van. So she struggled to put her black suitcase on the back with one hand, while his other hand were occupied by the phone.

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