Chapter 7: The Wedding

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"Shiro, I heard about what happened six months ago..." Hikaru started as I sat back beside him after taking a call. He sipped from his wine glass and I did the same.

"Oh? Which one?" I asked him

"You know... The one with... Him..." I froze at the mentioned of the person making me quiet. I didn't look at him and just stared at my glass.

"Let's not talk about it, Hikaru..." I told him and sipped from my drink.

"I'm sorry..."

I shook my head and smiled at him weakly.

"It's alright. And like I said, let's not talk about it. Change the topic already,will you?"

"Alright. Then, wanna go on a blind date?" He asked with a chuckle and I scoffed at him.

"Blind Date? No thanks..."

Third Person's POV

5:40 AM SUN

The sun was now shining and a certain brunette girl happily opened her yellow curtains. Her smile widens as she thought about the wedding.

'Beautiful. A perfect day for Dad's and Miss Miwa's Wedding. That special day where we all become a big happy Family...'

"I hope Nee-chan will be alright..." she worriedly whispered as she thought about her sister.


Ema then turned around and went to her door and opened it. She was then greeted by her soon to be brother, Luis.

"Goodmornig Chi! Big day..."

"And a Perfect day it is. Oh..."

'Hang on a second, Luis called me 'Chi' again. How does he know that nickname?' she gasped as she stared at Luis' smiling face.

"Is there something wrong?" Luis asked worriedly as he notice Ema staring at him.

"Oh no not all. Still waking up..." She reasoned and smiled at him.

"So, What brings you by? Need my help with anything?" she asked politely with a smile. Luis smiled back at her and answered.

"I'm here to help you out. Let me do your hair. You'll be in a dress today right? I was thinking, we could use colors that compliments,Cool? That is, of course, If you don't mind..." he explained as he touched her hair and smiled again.

"Oh! I'd love that!" Ema said excitedly as Juli gave Luis a thumbs up.

"How about Nee-chan? Are you going to help her too?" Ema suddenly asked and Luis gave her a confused look.

"Shi-chii? She left early. Leaving a note, saying she will meet up with us, at the wedding..." Luis informed and Ema gasped in suprised.

"Eh? Did she left for work??"

-----About two hours ago-----

3:33 AM

"Hey, I miss you..." Shiro stated as she held her phone to her ears.

The room was dark and the only source of light there was the setting moon's light creeping through the closed curtains and the light from her phone. There she sat on her bed, with her lower body wrapped in a blanket. A ghost smile was gracing her lips as she pulled her knees on to her chest.

"Today is Dad and Miss Miwa's Wedding..." She spoke softly.

"I was hoping you'll be there,but... I know you can't...."

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