Chapter 4: Shiro-nee

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Third Person's POV

5:15PM THU

"I'm back..." Yusuke greeted as he walks down the stairs and sat on the sofa.

"Welcome back Yusuke..." Ukyo and Masaomi greeted. Masaomi looked back to the stairs expecting their brunette sister but no one came.

"Where's Ema?" Masaomi asked.

"Oh, She said she's going to buy some books and rent some DVD's." Yusuke explained as he plopped down on the otherside of the couch.

"I was expecting she'll be coming home as soon as possible since she's excited" Ukyo stated as he walks over to them with two cups of tea and gave it to Masaomi. Then he sat on the couch too.

"Excited?Why?" Yusuke asked looking at Ukyo.

"Her sister is coming home early today, to meet you and the others" He explained to the red haired who looked suprised.

"Wait! Did she arrived yesterday?!" The red haired exclaimed as he stood up from his seat. Ukyo was about to scold him from shouting before giving him an answer when a sudden snarky comment stopped him.

"What are are you screaming about, idiot?" Fuuto asked he looked at his brother with a smirk.

"Welcome back, Fuuto." Masaomi greeted as Fuuto walked down the stairs.

"Who are you calling idiot?!"Yusuke shouted at the boy.

"Stop it you two. Ema's sister will be home before dinner" Ukyo explained to them as he stood up from the couch and looked at the two teens.

"Anyway, I'm going back to my room now to do some work. Don't cause any ruckus here, Fuuto, Yusuke" He told them as he walks towards the stairs.

"He's right, better not start a ruckus. Especially when our other sister is here" Masaomi agreed as he sipped his tea and smiled at his brothers.

"Yeah, I'll probably agree. Ema's Sister is scary" The red haired said as he starts to look nervous.

"What the hell are you guys talking about?"

Shiro's POV

"Sleepwalking?" They asked in chorus as they looked at me and Gio who held blank faces.

"Yes, He might be killing while he is asleep. He may thought that he is dreaming, but in fact he's not. And when he wakes up, he'll basically forget about it..." I explained to them and Gio nodded.

"What Shiro is telling is possible. There are some cases that may lead a person to sleepwalk. It can be Depression, Trauma, Anxiety Disorder and other mental and psychological issues..." Gio added supporting my Ideas.

"Sam, Check and see if there are some residents in the area who have any Mental or Psychological issues." Chief suddenly commanded making me grin internally.

Sam complied with Chief's order and hurriedly typed in her laptop.

"Chief, there is one" She asuddenly announced.

She then connected her laptop on the flat screen infront of us. A picture of a man with long brown hair with a pale complexion was shown on the screen of the Conference room. And based from the shape of his cheeks, this man is thin.

"This is Hyung Izumi. 25 years old, half Korean and Japanese and he is suffering from depression and social Anxiety. This guy is said to be involve in a case of child abuse, by his stepfather. I think this sums it all up..." She explained.

"Alright everyone, get ready. We're going to get him. Marcus, give us the contact numbers of the other residents, especially the ones that are living alone. Sam, give me his address" We all nodded and stood up from our chairs.

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