Chapter 18: Expensive

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9:48PM, WED

Third Person's POV

"Come in..."

Came in the tired voice of the blonde lawyer, as he gently placed his black pen down. He made a small yawn as he waited for the person who knocked on his door to come in. The door gently opened and it revealed his black haired sister, poking her head with a hesitant smile. He looked at her curiously, waiting for her to fully come in and state her reason.

"Shiro, do you need something?" he asked the woman, who briskly made her way beside him, and surprisingly, was a holding a cup of coffee.

"I'm sorry if I disturb you, I just have something to give you..." She answered as she handed him the cup. Ukyo took it from her gratefully, chest suddenly feeling warm and his lips curling upwards slightly.

"And I also brought some coffee for you..." She stated with a small blush. Smiling sweetly.

"Thank you, and no, you didn't disturb me. I was actually taking a minute break..." he said casually.

Shiro gave a small skeptic look but Ukyo smiled it off.

"Are you sure? You don't have to lie to me you know..." She stated and Ukyo chuckled.

"Believe me, you didn't." He assured her with a gentle smile.

"Now, what is it that you want to give me?" he finally asked, having a small feeling of giddiness. And he doesn't know why.

"oh... Uhm... Here"

She held out a small black box tied with a red ribbon. Her left arm was resting behind her, with her hand fumbling with her jacket as she nervously waited for Ukyo to take the gift.

'I hope he likes it...'

Ukyo stared at the gift box in surprise. He was internally elated about the gesture, especially since it's coming from her. But he was wondering why he was receiving such a gift from her. He gently took it from her and gave a confused look.

"uhm, Belated Happy Birthday, Ukyo. I should have given it to you few days ago, but I kinda forgot since I was busy... Sorry..." She sheepishly smiled as she clasped her hands behind her.

Ukyo was so surprised that he doesn't even know what to say, he gently opened the box and he saw a pair of metal bangles resting on a small black cushion. One was silver with black linings and a cross was engrave on it. The other one, was black with silver linings and with a cross engrave on it too. (Look at the picture above. I drew it, hehehe)

"I was buying the silver one for you, but they said it comes with a pair and can't be bought alone, so i just had to purchase it both" she suddenly explained as she watched Ukyo stare at it in awe.

Her nerves were slowly crawling from her spine to her neck, thus making her ran her fingers through her hair and start to ramble. One of her antics when she's worried or nervous.

"You can wear it both if you want, or you can just wear one of it for you know, like tomorrow you can wear the silver one and then the next day the black one, and vice versa, or you can just choose which one you like the most to wear, and just keep the other one, or ma--"

Shiro was suddenly cut off by a warm laughter making her look up and look at Ukyo's grinning face, making her flush pink and avert her eyes.

"Thank you Shiro, I appreciate it..." He gave a boyish grin making Shiro smile proudly with flushed cheeks. She grinned back at him like she wasn't at all nervous if he won't like the gift.

"I knew you'd like it!" She proclaimed making Ukyo chuckle.

"Oh really?" he asked making Shiro's cheek flush more in self embarrassment.

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