Chapter 29: Lean on Me

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Ukyo's POV

We finally had our dinner, which only consisted a bowl if instant ramen. The dinner went by quietly and I volunteered to wash the dishes and she agreed. It was just two bowls and a few utensils so it wasn't tiring. As I was drying my hands, Shiro suddenly appeared in the room. It looks like she already got change into some comfortable clothes which is a plain blue shirt and white pajamas, and she was also holding some neatly folded clothes in her hand.

"Ukyo, Here. You can change into these so you can sleep comfortably tonight..."

She then handed me a gray sweater and a pair of black pajamas. I gratefully accepted it but I gave her curious look which she responded with a small smile.

"Thanks... Whose clothes are these though?" I asked her and she simply shrugged her shoulders.

"From someone I know..." She answered.

I gave her a skeptical look. I was about to ask her something, but the moment my lips parted, she cut me off.

"By the way, The bathroom and toilet is over here and further there is your room..." She stated as she pointed at a certain hallway.

"Then on the opposite hallway, there is my room. So if you need something, just knock on my door..." She stated with a smile leaving me speechless.

Obviously, she doesn't want to talk about anything right now. So I went along with her move and smiled.

"Alright. Thank you Shiro..."

"You're welcome! Goodnight Ukyo!" She bid as she grinned and turned around.

I made a tired sigh and went to the bedroom that she pointed. I gently twisted the knob open and turned the lights on. Looks like Shiro already did some quick cleaning while I was cleaning up in the kitchen. The room was painted powder blue with accents of gray. In the middle of the room was a double size bed with white bedsheets and a gray duvet. There wasn't much furniture in the room actually. I can see a big wooden wardrobe, a tall bookshelve and a small dresser. That's all.

Anyway, I gently closed the door and walked towards the bed. I placed the change of clothes over it and got out of my clothes. I neatly folded it before getting into the change of clothes that Shiro gave me. I put my clothes aside and sat on the bed and breath out a relief.

Since I didn't bring my laptop or any papers today, I have nothing to do. Since this was an unexpected event, I can't complain or anything. It's a good thing that I don't have any work tomorrow. I then decided to look around the room and find out whose room is this. Don't get me wrong, I don't like to meddle with people's stuff. I'm just curious about the owner of the room.

As I turn around, on the left side of the room where the small dresser is, I saw two picture frames facing down above it. I quietly walked towards it and picked up the frame on the right first. It was a picture of a smiling man with a very dark blue hair and black eyes. He was wearing a white lab coat with a red dress shirt under it. A gray stethoscope was hanging around his neck.

Could it be, this is the person that we visited in the graveyard? If I connect the dots, it may be possible. He looks familiar to me too. Could he be related to Gio-san or Hirashi-san?

I then placed the picture back down in it's usual position, dismissing my last thought and picked up the next picture frame.

My face went blank when I stared at the next picture. It was selfie photo of Shiro and that dark blue haired man together. And what's bothering me here, is that she was giving him a kiss on the cheek and he looked startled. Some would say it was cute picture, as for me...

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