Chapter 27: Fireworks (Christmas OVA)

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Third Person's POV

'I'm expecting that you won't do something stupid tonight Kaname...'

Shiro exasperatedly thought as she entered the elevator and gave him a small smile.

"Shiro-nee, I was just about to come and pick you up since you're taking too long..." He stated with a bright smile.

"Yeah, Sorry... I was looking for something" She reasoned as she turned around and faced the glass walls of the elevator.

Her eyes brightened in delight as she stared at the giant Christmas Tree that was standing  in the middle of the white snow and crowd. She pulled out her phone and took a picture of the view outside. She then heard a sound of a camera shutter, making her head whipped towards Kaname who was grinning while holding his phone out, and point towards Shiro. Shiro furrowed her eyebrows at him and drop her hand down, not bothering to take another shot of the view outside.

"What are you doing?" She asked him and Kaname just chuckled

"You look so cute there and I can't help but take a picture of it..." He explained as he showed her the photo. Like seconds ago, in the photo she was holding her phone up and taking a picture of the view outside with an excited grin.

"Delete it Kaname..." She seriously stated and Kaname just shook his head and grinned wider at his sister as he took another picture of her, this time with a frown.


"Kaname..." She gave him a deadly stare and held her hand out, asking for his phone.

"Aww~ But you're so cute here~" he cooed as he looked at the pictures, grinning. Shiro rolled her eyes and tried to snatch his phone away but Kaname held it up above his head and looking down at her.

"Kaname!! Delete it!!" She exclaimed as she tried to reach for the phone but he was just laughing and grinning as his sister who tip toed and tried to reach the phone from him.

Shiro then stopped reaching for it and scowled at him. Kaname looked at her suspiciously, but he was still grinning and his guard still up just in case his sister tried to snatch the phone away. Shiro huffed at the blonde monk before eyeing the phone again on top of his head.

"You leave me no choice then, Kaname..." She dryly stated making Kaname confused.

In a blink of an eye, Shiro had kneed him on the stomach making him drop the phone for Shiro to catch. He slumped down on the floor in pain while Shiro smirked victoriously and looked at his phone. As she had finally deleted her pictures, a notification suddenly popped up making Shiro's eyes widened in surprised.

'Photos has been sent to 3 contacts'

"Kaname!! To whom did you send it!?!" She screeched as she glared at the blond monk who was laughing victoriously while holding his stomach in pain.

'This perverted Monk...' she mentally scoffed as she keep glaring at Kaname.


"Alright, What did Kana-nii did this time?"

Natsume asked with an amused smile when he noticed his black haired sister emit a dark scary aura as she approach them, catching the attention of the other passerbys and making them instinctively move and made way for her. Trailing behind her was Kaname who was grinning wide, from ear to ear.

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