Incorrect Quotes part 4?

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Kenji: "Yo, Hitoshi, you have something on your face.'

Asami: *putting a face mask on Hitoshi* "Stop, Keni."

Kenji: "You know what it is?"

Asami: "If you mess this up, I will kill you."

Kenji: "You know what it is?........Woky Slush~."

Hitoshi: *trying not to laugh*

Ren: "He doesn't have a clue what's going on." *Points to Ryuu, staring off into the distance*

Ren: "Ryu, you poor sweet thing, you don't have a thought behind those eyes."

Kyoya: "Oh, wait. it's raining."

Kyoya: "Here, take my jacket."

Tamaki: "Wait, what about you?"

Kyoya: "Don't worry about me...I have an umbrella."

Ryuu: "Started making it...had a breakdown, Bon appetite."

Ren: "I fell into a trap."

Ren: "I went in for a kiss, and now he's got me. And he won't let me go."

Kyoya: "Mine."

Ren: "yes, I know, but EH!" *tries to get up*

Kyoya: "Mine."

Ren: "Eh."

Kyoya: "Mine."

Ren: "Eh."

Kyoya: "Mine."

Ren: "God damn it."

Ichiro: "Some people are like slinkies."

Ichiro: "They have no real purpose, but it makes you smile when you push them down a flight of stairs."


When the Host Club crashes Haruhi's time away from school;

Haruhi: "this family makes me want to murder people."


Adrian: "why don't you two cut the horseshit and get to the part where you admit you have feelings for each other..."

Kenji: "WOAH!"

Asami: "You are way off base, buddy!!!"


Adrian: "Artists be like, once I can draw hands, it's all over for you bitches!"


When they have seven unofficial children;

Ichiro: "Are you in love?"

Dimitri: "I am in love! Are you in love?"

Ichiro: "I'm in love too."

Dimitri: "I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree!!!!"

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