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The Indoraptor was confused. Triceratops usually run far away from rotten or spoiled meat so they don't attract any predators. But this one ran right up to the meat. It looked like it was out of breath, starving, and tired. Maybe it was trying to get one last meal in before it dies? Either way that big headed beast was going to ruin his hunt, so he jumped out of the bushes and growled at the young triceratops. If the Indoraptor was older he would be towering over the young triceratops, but seeing as they're both quite young the Triceratops is slightly taller then the Indoraptor. The dim-witted herbivore stumbled back and snorted. "What are you doing here you three horned moron!" "I'm being chased, get out of the way!" The young triceratops ran right past the Indoraptor and right into the bushes he had been hiding in only a few seconds ago. The Indoraptor ran into the bushes aswell to hide right next to the young Triceratops. It took a few minute but suddenly they both heared thunderous footsteps. The Triceratops simply stood still, while the Indoraptor listed off all of the creatures it could be. The Apatosaurus don't like doing into dense areas, neither  do Triceratops, or Parasauralphus. Those foot steps are to loud and heavy to be a Carnotaurus, Allosaurus, or Baryonyx. Slowly but surely all of the pieces fall into place. The beast standing infrount of them must be the former queen of isla nublar, Rexy. Both of them could hear her sniffing the air and growling. Luckily for them Rexy has gotten old, and her senses aren't as sharp as they use to be. But there was still something strange about this. Usually Rexy would hunt larger creatures, and there's no way Rexy could have made this giant slash across the young Triceratopses body. So something else mostlikly did this.

Both of them slowly heared the footsteps wonder off deeper into the forest with a deep bellowing growl. It took a few minutes but the young Triceratops finally mustered up the courage to run. "Wait, where are you going!?" The Indoraptor cried out. "I'm getting out of here!" The Triceratops called back. The young male ran into the trees, plowing over pushes and stomping through the mud. Only a few seconds after doing this however, the blood curdling screams of the Triceratops were heared across the forest. Almost as if something was slowly ripping him in half. The young Indoraptor couldn't take this anymore. He ran in the opposite direction the Triceratops did and almost fell off of a small cliff as a result. He ran and he ran until he got to the nest. His mother was curled up in a resting position. He leaped onto her and shook her violently. "Mom! Wake up, wake up, wake up!" She jolted awake and almost knocked him off of her. "What is it!?" She called in distress. "Something in the forest, something big!" The Indoraptor curled up next to the nest. Content on never going deep into the forest for the rest of his life.

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