hatching monsters

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The Scorpius had brought more food to her nest, laying most of it in a large pile. Her eggs haven't moved in days, and she was getting pretty bored of staying here. She had an urge to move around and travel about, but with these eggs here, she couldn't do that. Perhaps she could....lighten the load, just a little bit? She grabbed one of the eggs in her mouth and crunched it, the yoke dripping down her snout. She sniffed around the nest, looking intently at the eggs, until something wonderful happened. The eggs began to wriggle, and move. The largest one shoock violently, like it was about to explode. Suddenly, a small blunt snout popped out of the egg. After that, two very long and powerful looking legs. The egg shell fell apart and the young Scorpius looked up at its mother. There was a long moment of silence, but then the other two eggs began to move again. The normal egg slowly split open and a small head popped out, already chirping. The yellow spotted one stopped moving for a while. She inspected it with her snout, poking at it. When it wouldn't move, she had just assumed it was dead, so she was about to grab it. Until a small tail popped out of the egg, then two long arms. All three of her surviving offspring had finally hatched, but there seemed to be another problem. The two youngest hadn't stood up yet, while the oldest was already standing within a few moments of being born. The Scorpius snarled in frustration before grabbing g the youngest one and forcing it onto its feet. The new born stumbled onto its belly and then rolled onto its back. The second oldest one was sitting on its bottom, trying to figure out how to stand. The Scorpius was already getting bored of waiting for the other two to learn how to stand, so she just began to walk off, the oldest following her with its head held high. The other two cried out, trying to crawl to her. She began to slow down, waiting for them to get close, then walking at normal pace again. This continued until the second oldest leaped onto its feet and awkwardly waddled towerds her. It wasn't as good as her walking, nor as good as the first born, but it was good enough. The youngest, which she has already deemed to runt, was still crawling, but on all fours. Although they could do that they rarely did walk on all fours. However, she had already been tired of their nonsense so she just excepted it. She didn't care if they waddled, hopped, slithered, or crawled when she was traveling, she just wanted them on the move. As they all wondered through the forest, they came across a large rushing river. The Scorpius leaned over to drink, until she noticed something. A very fermilior sent, she sent of the black beast she had tried to kill. His sent had washed downstream, and it was still heading there. Well this Would be a good time to teach the young to kill. She thought to herself, snarling with glee.

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