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Once the pack got to a safe area, the Indoraptor put the baby Scorpius on the ground. One of his pack members, probably the second in camand, walks to his side. "What are we going to do now?" She asked him, looking up at him. The Indoraptor was still thinking about, until the smallest member of the pack bumped into his side playfully. "Since you're the alpha now, we'll need a name for you." The Indoraptor looked down, confused. "" "Yeah, like something to address you as from now on, ya'know, since you're the alpha and all." The second in camand sat there  and thought if a name, until the second smallest of the pack, a male with bright blue feathers on his head, spoke up. "H-How about Ripper?" He said. The smallest barked out a laugh. The second in camand looked confused for a few seconds before coming to a conclusion. "I mean-Ripper is a pretty fitting name after all." The Indoraptor felt conflicted. Ripper? It sounded like some sort of strange tale his mother would tell him at night. Stories of a gray and black monster that toor through the forest and ripped everything to pieces. He looked around, still thinking before finally smiling and standing to his full hight.
"Ripper, that sounds like a good name." He said with content. He looked at the small creature and snorted. The baby called out and tried to stand up. Ripper looked at it curiously. It's trying to stand, much like he tried to do when he was younger. Perhaps the little one needs food. Ripper turned around. "We're going on a hunt, but one of us will need to stay behind and protect the little one." The rest of the pack looked at eachother, then Ripper. "We'll go hunting, you can stay with that little....thing." The second in comand said. Ripper nodded and the rest of the pack ran off to catch some food. Ripper stayed right beside the little creature, curious as to what it might do. He sniffed it and it jumped to bite his snout. Ripper played with the smaller animal for a while, and while doing so, he was brought back to just simpler times. He remembered the times his mother played with him back at their old nest. Wait a second, his mother! He completely forgot about how he's gonna get back to her! Of course he can't just get up and leave the pack. But he also needs to get back to his mother. Ripper got up and looked around the area, still waiting for th pack. After a while of waiting he still hadn't seen any trace of them. Suddenly he heared the loud, violent cries od one of his packmates. He grabbed the baby Scorpius and bolted towerds where he heared the scream. When he got there he saw the pack trying to stand their ground, defending a dead Triceratops, while a gigantic predator Ripper had never seen attacked them. It was gigantic, bigger then an Allo, bigger then the monster, and bigger then the queen herself.

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