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Ripper moved his pack along the forest, Salou sniffed the air, still worried about the surrounding area. He had led the pack to this area to avoid the amount of dangerous predators in the lowlands, and to potentially find his mother...if she was even alive. Shrike suddenly cocked her head in a strange position and growled. "What is it, Shrike?" "Ripper, I smell something to our right. It smells weird. Ripper gave the baby Scorpius to Rala before moving in the investigate.

He moved his snout through the bushed and without any time to react or plan out an attack strategy, a large grey blob leaped from the bushes and ontop of Ripper! "One move and I'll slit it's throat!" A fermilior voice shreaked.

W-wait, no, it can't be. "W-wait..ack, m-mother!?" The creature that was standing ontop of Ripper suddenly moved her cickle claw away from his throat and leaped off of him. "S-son!?" Suddenlt Shrike tackled Blue and growled. "You ever attack our Alpha again and I'll-" "Shrike wait, she's with me! That's my mother."
The entire pack was confused. "S-shes your what!?" Salou just stood there, completely speechless. "How in the-what in the...Ripper we have alot to talk about." Blue sat up and stood next to her son. "Mother, why are you this far from the nest?" "I-I was looking for you. All this time I thought you were dead, but I feld onto hope...and here you are, and with a pack of your own too!"
Suddenly a strange smell hit Blue's nose and she instinctually went on the attack. She saw the baby Scorpius and snarled. "Son, why do you have that thing with you!?"
Ripper stood infront of Blue, trying to calm her down. "It's alright, this one of only a baby. She's harmle-"

"You don't understand, those things get bigger and they grow quickly! Trust me. Within a year there could be more of those things roaming around. They breed and grow at a faster rate than any creature I've seen before. It won't take long before that little monster and its young kill us and overrun this place!"

Ripper firmly stood infront of her, not wanting any harm to be done to the baby Scorpius. "Mother, what if that destructive nature was on our side? We'd never have to go a day without food if we get her to adulthood." Blue stood there, thinking. On one hand, her son is right. If that little creature was on their side they could feed for the rest of their lives, but on the other hand if it rejects them then there will be chaos all over the mainland.

Fortunately, Blue trust Ripper to know what he's doing. "Fine, we can keep it. But make sure those quills at the end of its tail don't touch you. I've seen what those things are capable of. Now follow me, I know the way back to the nest."

The pack followed Blue back to her nest, but little do they know the baby Scorpius will have an impact on the mainland no other creature would have in centuries.

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