new alpha

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The Indoraptor looked at the little creature that had been grabbed. It almost looked like a smaller version of the monster that had tried to kill him and his mother! The small thing chirped out in suprised and tried to get away, but it has been firmly grasped. The Indoraptor was conflicted at that moment. One of these things tried to kill him and his mother, yet, this one looked and none threatening. The Indoraptor walked over and sniffed the smaller creature, the sent being almost identical to the monster. It chirped once again and the Indoraptor couldn't take it anymore. He snatched the little creature out of his pack member's jaws and held it close to him. Varan hissed with fury. "What are you doing!?" She snarled. "I-I-" He stumbled on his words, until the baby creature starting screaming in what sounded like distress. The Indoraptor rose to his full hight and snarled. "We should protect this!" He barked. Varan roared at him. "I'm the alpha, not you!" She kicked out at him and left a semi-large gash across his chest. After that, something came over the Indoraptor that could only be described as a blood rage! He put the baby down and leaped onto Varan, pinning her head down with his left arm. He stomped on her flanks and roared. Varan wriggled out of his grasp and bit down on his right arm. Surprisingly this didn't hurt nearly as much as the Indoraptor thought it would. He bit down on her neck and threw her four meters away.

Not missing a beat, he ran towerds her and barreled into her, knocking the breath out of Varan. She tried to get up but he used his right leg and stepped on her left leg. There was a slight cracking noise and Varan roared in anger. She kicked the Indoraptor right in the face, just barely missing his left eye, but it did leave a large scratch across his face. He jumped into he air, intending to crush Varan, but she rolled out of the way and kicked him in the thigh! The Indoraptor whirled around and clamped down onto Varan's left leg. She howled and tried to kick him in the right eye, but he dodged just in time and pinned her down with his weight! He then bit down on her right arm, and placed his left leg on her stomach. He pulled, and pulled, and pulled until there was a violent cracking noise and Varan roared so loudly, a giant flock of birds flew from out of the trees. The Indoraptor didn't let go, and shook his head with a monstrous amount of force, pulling even harder! With a loud snap and crack, followed by wet tearing noises, Varan's right forelimb was torn from her body! She roared out in pain and rolled onto her belly. The Indoraptor backed away, dropping her forelimb and walked back to the rest of the pack. All the remaining pack member's bowed their heads in submission. The Indoraptor turned to look at Varan, who had been lying on thr ground, breathing heavily. The Indoraptor grabbed the baby creature and barked to his pack. All of them ran towerds the denser part of the forest, leaving Varan for dead.

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