washed up

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Both of the dinosaurs get thrown around by the rushing waves, nearly colliding with stray rocks. The indoraptor called out in pain as a sharp jagged rock scrapped the left side of his tail. "M-mot-hhmhhhmm!" The indoraptor tried to grab onto a rock but he couldn't get a grip on any rocks. The Velociraptor barked, trying to find the indoraptor, but it wasn't working. She tried to use her sickle claw to dig into the river bed, but her legs weren't long enough. She could hear rushing noises coming from behind her and she tried to turn around, but the waves pummeled her onto her back. She gasped for air and the indoraptor was swept away aswell. Suddenly, she found a rock to cling onto. Using her powerful legs, she climbed onto the rock, and used all four of her limbs to jump onto dry land. She called out for the Indoraptor, who was still in the river. "Where are you!?" She called out, but to no avail. Suddenly, a black head with a skinny black and golden neck popped out of the water and the Indoraptor used his claws to grab onto a rock. He climbed the rock, that is, until the force of the cerent and his weight broke the huge rock and the Indoraptor went tumbling back into the water. He hadn't swam very much in his life, but he had watched other creatures swim, so he tried to mimic them the best he could. He used his tail as a rutter, his hind arms and legs to push through the water, and used his head to steer. He tried to swim to land, but the waves were pushing him closer and closer to a loud roaring noise. The Indoraptor turned to see what it was, and he saw a gigantic drop off where the water ended. He frantically kicked and screamed to try and get to land but it wasn't any use. With a shrill cry, the Velociraptor turned to her left and saw a wave half the size of a T-rex rushing towerds the Indoraptor. Both of them called to eachother, until the Indoraptor almost fell off of the drop. He clung onto the rocks, using his arms to climb up. His mother was calling out to him, stretching her tail out so he could grab it. He climbed, putting more force into his arms and legs then he ever had before, and he was almost up the drop off. However, almost like the world was playing a twisted game with him, as soon as he got to the top, his mother leaped away, and the gigantic mass of water barreled into him. He was sent flying off of the drop off and plummeted into the dark, muddy water below. His mother called out, but her frantic calls were silenced as his head was temporarily submerged in the water. His body went limp was he slammed into the water and he just floated in the water, unconscious, unthinking, and not knowing where he was being taken to.

Jurassic world: the indomitable thiefOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz