new pack new rules

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The Indoraptor stepped back, intimidated by this new creature. "Well? Are you gonna speak up?" It snarled at him. "T-That loud roar, a-and I just-" "You what?" One of the smaller orange creatures creeped up to the largest one and barked. "Hey, hey, Varan? Could we have a privet?" The largest one growled and walked to the bushes with the smaller one. The Indoraptor couldn't hear what they were saying, until the larger one yelled. "What!? Why would we do that!?" After a few more minutes they both came out of the bushes, the larger one walking up to the Indoraptor. She sighed and growled, before talking to him. "You can stay with us, but only if you help us hunt." The Indoraptor smiled. "Very well then." The pack moved out, darting around the bushes and trees. The Indoraptor had gotten use to moving around like this. The pack suddenly stopped at a clearing and the alpha sniffed the air. She turned to look at the pack, then the Indoraptor. She snarled at him, watching him with her good eye before finally moving on. "We're resting here for the night!" She called out. The Indoraptor was confused. Shouldn't they sleep in the denser forest? Surely it would be far more logical to sleep there. He tried to bring this to her attention. "Uhh, perhaps we should sleep in the denser part of the forest?" He said, leaning on his two back legs. The alpha turned around and leaped at him. "Are you questioning my authority!?" She roared at him. He was somewhat taken aback by this hostility, but he had seen similar behavior from other animals. "N-No...w-well actually, yes, yes I am." He said definitely. She snarled at him.  "Then perhaps you should take it up with the rest of the pack." The other creature surrounded him, all of them growling. The Indoraptor stepped back and barked. "Alright, alright, yo- we can sleep out here." He said, bowing his head in submission. The female raptor-like creature stood over him and sneared. "Good, now don't you ever question my choices, or my capabilities of leading this pack ever again." She growled at him, looking for a place to sleep for the night. The Indoraptor looked for a place to sleep aswell, far away from those freak-ish raptors. He layed down with a heavy thump and looked into the sky, wondering if he'll ever get back to his mother.

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