A beastly mother

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Ripper looked at the nest. It looked like it hadn't changed one bit since he was gone. He couldn't even remember how long it had been since he had been taken by the waterfall.
Perhaps a year? Or maybe even more? It didn't matter right now, what mattered is that he had found his home, with a little help from Blue.

She turned to him and chirped. "I have great news, child. I've found better territory, it's to the north. There's more food, better resources, and best of all less humans!" Almost as quickly as Ripper got excited, it was dashed away. He loved living in this area, and he remembered what happened the last time they tried to move territory.
However, there was a small voice in the back of his head telling him things would be different!

After all, he's much older and larger than he was back then, and he even has his own pack for just in case scenarios.
Ripper layed down and snorted. "Mother, can't we move later. We just got back here, and that nearly took the entire day!" The other pack members all agreed. "Come to think of it, It's been over a day, we need sleep." Saluo concluded.
Blue wasn't that much of an advocate for getting sleep before moving. She preferred to move on and get it over with, besides, all Raptors had superb night vision. It would give them an advantage over most other animals.

Although, the rest of the pack did look tired, so she supposed a good night's rest wouldn't be to bad of an idea.
"Fine, but we're moving first thing in the morning."
All of the raptors sat down and snuggled together, even the baby Scorpius.

However, little did they know, trouble would find them no matter where they went.

Rexy the T-rex stomped through the forest, looking for anything to eat. She hadn't had a good meal since she was in that huge wooden human structure, but now that she finally got the stretch out her old legs, there's no food to eat. Juuuuust perfect.

She knew she needed to find something, ANYTHING to eat.
Using her monstrously powerful nose she dictated something near a large gate to her right. Although she was hungry, she knew exactly what gates ment at this point in her life.

They ment danger, they ment having her freedom ripped from her, and that wasn't about to happen again. She stomped away from the gate, just hoping to find some easy prey to eat.

Little did Rexy know, a something had been watching her the entire time. A beast no dinosaur, nor human has ever seen before.

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