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The female Scorpius and her only off-spring were growing more distant as each day went by. The young Scorpius is almost as large as her mother, Narca, and she's become more than capable of hunting for herself.
However, her mother's tendency to over hunt random animals has made their food supply plumet.

The young one can't stand this anymore. She's more adapted to saving food for later, while her mother kills with reckless abandon.
This goes beyond surplus killing, or killing for sport, this is something else.

The young Scorpius was lying down near a rocky outcropping, watching the moon move across the sky. She heared something rustling behind her. She sprang to her feet and snarled.

Her mother stomped out of the trees, with a dead creature in her jaws. It was another fleshy tree. She's seen them, one of them killed one of her sisters.
They're dangerous while they have their boom sticks and giant four legged armored beast, but while alone they're completely harmless--quite easy prey infact.

The older female threw the corps aside and snarled at her daughter. The younger one was confused. What did she want from her now? The young Scorpius moved away, only for her mother to take her spot near the outcropping.

The younger Scorpius couldn't believe this. Narca only wanted her spot. She nudged her mother, but got a claw to the face for it.

She backed away, submissive.
Narca yawned before standing to her full hight and looking out towards the now rising sun.

That bright ball of heat in the sky always hypnotized her, such a powerful thing it was. As it continued to rise higher and higher her interest moved on to something else.
She heared a loud roar. It sounded fermilior, but different at the same time.

She nudged her daughter and snorted in that direction.
Her daughter snorted back before running off.
Narca had always been the alpha, even if her pack only included her and her daughter, and she doubted that would change anytime soon.

[Switch over to titan]

The Giganotosaurus, Titan, stomped about in his new territory. It had been about two days since he's last eaten, but he's gone far longer without food.

He sniffs the air and emedietly gets a strong sent of something he doesn't like.
He snorts and heads in that direction.
To his suprise, once he gets there, he finds a large wall.

This wasn't the source of the bizzare sent, but it's close.
He rammed into the wall before snarling.

The wall did nothing. It didn't even crack.
He tried again until he felt a sudden, yet sharp pain in his side.
He roared and looked to his right and saw one of those weird two legged, upright standing creatures that usually carried large sticks with them.

He roared at it before something weird began to happen.
His vision was getting blurry, and his steps were unbalanced.
He egnored this and ran towards the little animal.

It ran--or atleast tried to run in the opposite direction before his swiftly caught it with his jaws.
He crunched it into pieces before he felt a second sharp pain in his left thigh.

He roared in anger as his vision continued to blur. He fell onto his side and watched as his world got darker around him.

When Titan woke up he was surrounded by bizzare green walls. His stood to his full hight and stretched. Where ever he was, it wasn't the lush jungle home he was use to...this was made by man...

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