flashes of life

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The male Indoraptor woke up to find his mother prodding him with her snout. He slowly got up and shook himself awake. "M-mother, what's going on?" She sighed. "We need to move, there's not much prey around here anymore." "Why?" "I-I don't know, there's probably a famin or something." The Indoraptor was confused. There shouldn't be a famin, there was plenty of green for the herbivores to eat, and by that logic, plenty of herbivores. This didn't make any sense....unless it wasn't a famin, perhaps something was killing off all of the herbivores. He didn't have time to think much longer; his mother was on the move, and apparently they were heading south. He hadn't been far from this place of green and wide open spaces with huge forest imbatween, so this could be fun. As they walked, the male Indoraptor felt as if something was stalking them. He could feel eyes on him and he turned around to see what it was. He didn't see anything so he just kept walking. The further south they got, the less intense the feeling was. The Indoraptor walked on his hind legs so he could see if they were being stalked, but still nothing. Suddenly his mother stopped and leaned over. He could hear her sniffing, but she was also growling. "Stay behind me." She barked. Both of them silently creeper through the large forest that now seemed to be endless. The Indoraptor looked everywhere to see if there was something around, but he still didn't see or hear anything. By the time the trees seemed to be dissipating, both of their noses felt funny. It felt like the fog they were just walking through had somehow cralwed its way up their nose and was trying to strangle them. Both of them wheezed and snorted. They needed to get out of this fog, now! Both of the trotted towerds the closes exit to the forest. It was better to trot then run: if they ran they'd run out of breath quicker, and if they walked then they would die a slow agonizing death. It wasn't long before the male Indoraptor saw a bright light coming from outside of the trees. He nudged his mother in that direction and both of them began to trot faster and faster. It wasn't long before they both broke into a sprint and made it out of the forest. Suddenly both of them saw a gigantic structure made out of stone and wood. The Indoraptor slowly creeper closer to it, while his mother seemed to be horrified by it. As he got closer she growled and leaped infront of him. "What are you doing?" He said quietly. "Dont go into that thing, it's a trap!" "Another human trap?" "Y-yes, another human trap." The Indoraptor shook himself, flinging some small pieces of dirt randomly. They both stayed at the edge of the treeline, right out of the reach of the deadly fog. The Indoraptor slept quietly, but his mother was on edge. She knew what happened in this structure, she knows about the horrors, but thankfully her offspring will never know as long as she's still breathing.

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