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The Scorpius walked down the river, her chicks following her right behind her. It seemed that they're growing already, since all Scorpius rexs grow at a rapid rate. She suspects that her young will be young adults and ready to hunt for themselves within four months, or slightly more. She continues sniffing for the sent, and finally got a lead. She growled and was about to run towerds the sent, but remembered her young were right behind her this whole time. She growled, annoyed by the fact that now she was slowed down by her young. Perhaps she could just eat the slowest, and make the other two keep up. She turned around, looking at her young, interested in which one to eat. She leaned over to eat the last born, but she suddenly heared a loud roar coming from the forest. She turned around and snarled, waiting to see what made the noise. What ever it was, it was gigantic, larger then a Carno, larger then and Allo, and perhaps even bigger then....Rexy? The creature stomped through the forest, sniffing out the sent of the Scorpius rexes. The female Scorpius found the perfect opertinity to leave the weakest for the larger predator. She grabbed the two first born Scorpius rex chicks and ran off with them, leaving the youngest. She called out, waiting for her mother to return. After a few minutes of waiting and calling she gave up, having a feeling that her mother wasn't coming back. She slowly tried to get up on two legs and run, but she still hadn't learned how to walk on two legs. She could hear the loud stomping getting closer, and closer, and closer! She ran towerds the densest pile of foliage she could find and hid there. Her thermosesative eyes picked up on something large moving right infront of her. It had a large head, two small arms with three fingers on each, and somewhat of a sale on its lower back. The creature sniffed the air, searching for the Scorpius. If she didn't move it won't detect her! She thought to herself. With a loud snort the creature moved off, no longer interested in where the baby Scorpius was. She slowly peaked her head out of the foliage and looked around, not seeing where the beast had gone. She then heared a loud roar coming from her right and she bolted deeper into the forest! She used her long arms and legs to flee from the sound, and she didn't stop running until she came to a clearing! She sniffed around the area, getting the sent of five other animals. She tried to creep past them, but suddenly a large twig snapped under he height, and a large orange head popped out from the tall grass. It looked right at her before slowly getting up. The baby Scorpius turned around, ready to run, but the creature grabbed her by the back of the neck and snarled. The baby Scorpius called out in distress and four other creature appeared to come out of thin air. One of them was larger then the others. It had black scales and a golden streak going from its neck to its tail.

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