young explorer

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The young Indoraptor got up and looked around. His mother was still asleep, and it looked like she was in a deep sleep at that. Using his natural superior stealth he creeped through the night, and got closer to the huge structure. He's seen these things before and he knows how to get into them. There are usually wooden flaps at the entrance that can be pushed open or busted into. He wandered the perimeter until he found the wooden flaps. He walked up a ridged looked like a row of teeth, but it wasn't hurting him. Strang, he'll have to figure those things out too. The wooden flaps were wide open, and very worn down. By that logic, no human had been here for a long time. He continued to walk through the structure, looking around. When he turned his head he saw bones, countless bones. They were all displayed on some sort of wooden nest with mettle beams holding them up. When he backed away from the horrifying sight, he bumped into something cold. He looked behind him and saw a small pack of Compys inside of this see through structure. For some reason they weren't moving, they were just standing there in some sort of weird posses. This was getting abit to freaky for the Indoraptor so he turned to leave. When he did however, he saw something that almost made the fragments of his mind shatter. It was a larger, slightly more slender, version of him, and it had been impaled by one of the many skeletons in here. The Indoraptor shreaked in fear and growled. The larger version of him had a yellow stripe running along it's flank, aside from that they looked almost identical. The realization was only now kicking in; perhaps this was another member of his species. His mother wouldn't lie to him...right? Both of them had to be the same, but this creature looked far more like him then he did his mother. I sniffed it; it even smelled like him. He circled the dead body, looking at every inch of it. He even leaped onto the body and got a better look. So many emotions piled onto one body face. Rage, fear, loneliness, sadness, envy, and so many others. He climbed off of the body and walked around until he found himself face to face with his mother. She was standing right there, growling and seathing with rage. "Didn't I tell you not to go in there!?" "Y-yes, bu-" "I don't want any buts from you! How much did you see!?" She snarled. "I-I...uh-" "How much did you see!?" "I saw a large group of compys, skeletons, see through stuff, and a larger version of me ontop of a la-" "Enough! We're moving!" "B-but mother, what about the fog?" "The fog has mostlikly dissipating by now! Now get your tail over here!" She snarled at him, sounding even more angry then she already had. The young Indoraptor slumped his head and sighed, before wandering off with his mother, deeper into the endless forest

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