into the unknown

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The Indoraptor woke up, dazed and confused. He spat out some dirt that had gotten into his mouth he shook off some mud. He looked around, calling out for his mother, but she didn't answer. He tried again and again but there was no answer. The only thing he could smell was mud, water, and dead fish. Wait, dead fish! He sniffed out where the sent was coming from, and he found a young female Baryonyx fishing along the river Bank. She had caught atleast four large fish, and there would be more in the river anyway. The Indoraptor leaped out of the bushes, snarling and roaring at her. The Baryonyx stood her ground for a few minutes, roaring back at him. He mock charged at her and that Madd her turn tail and run as fast as her legs could carry her. The Indoraptor dug his snout into the large pile of fish on the river bank. Although he wasn't the biggest fan of eating fish, this is the first bite of meat he's had in weeks. He suddenly heard something move in the bushes. The Indoraptor growled, ready to fight what ever was in there. Suddenly a medium sized creature leaped from the bushes and barked at him. Under normal conditions, the Indoraptor would attack, but this is anything but normal.

The creature standing before him looked almost exactly like his mother, but smaller and with orange scales. The creature barked again and seemed to smile at him. "Oi, watcha doin here big boy!?" The creature snarled in a hyperactive manner. "I-I-uhh....y-you-" "Me what!?" "Y-you look like m-my mother!" The small creature cocked its head in confusion and then barked out a laugh. "Well I guess you could call me mama! Ya got the brain of a hatchling!" The Indoraptor wasn't sure if she should be offended by that or not. Suddenly, two more creatures jumped from out of the bushes. "Who is th-what is that thing!?" The smallest of the three backed away, almost tripping into the bushes. The Indoraptor backed away slowly, not having much energy to fight a pack of these things. The largest of the three barked and gave his a suspicious look. "Who are you, and where do you come from?" The Indoraptor looked around, trying to find the direction the water fall was. "I-I-I..uhh..I-I think..n-no wait, maybe that wa-" "You're lost, aren't you?" The Indoraptor didn't want to admit it, but...yeah, he was completely lost. Suddenly a large shape took for fro, behind the bushes, and the largest raptor the Indoraptor had ever seen came out of no where. "Who is this?" Her booming voice echoed. "We don't know, he just washed up here, an-" Before the smaller one could explain a loud roar came from across the river. "We need to run, now!" The largest one led the pack into the bushes and the Indoraptor just followed them. They all ran, and ran, and ran, until the Indoraptor was almost out a breath. The pack Suddenly stopped at a large pond. The largest one turned around and snarled at the Indoraptor. "Why are you following us?"

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