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The Indoraptor slowly walked towerds this new object. He poked at it with his snout. "Does it kill?" He ask. "If your small enough then yes, but this thing isn't the real danger. The danger is what comes after this." She snarled and kicked at the jaw looking thing in the ground. "These creatures called humans come out of no where with their long boom sticks and kill anything that gets stuck in this trap." The Indoraptor growled at the trap. "Is it alive?" "No, if it was it would have reacted already, but we still need to get away from this thing." She nudged him away from the trap and walked back to the nest. They both lied down thinking of a new plan to get some good food. They haven't eaten in a while, because for some reason all of the prey animals seem to be moving. Atleast most of them seem to be moving away, the really big ones seem to be doing just fine here. The young Indoraptor looks around their nest until he finds something shinny. He quickly grabs it with his claws and inspects it. The small item has a gold color, with a little white class looking thing at the center; inside of it are two different sized arrows pointing at some dogs. The young Indoraptor is curious so he decides to try and find out where it came from.

He wonders the small forest until he gets to a clearing, but this one isn't like the others. This one stops more abruptly, and instead of grass theres hard stone. He walks delicately and slowly across this new stone, sniffing it as he does. He's so focused on trying to figure out what this is he doesn't even see the two tall creatures looking right at him in shock and horror. When he does realize they're there its to late, they've already started screaming. Its so loud it alerts the other tall creatures and they seem to come out of nowhere. Wait, they come out of no where. Those words rapidly rang in his head. These must be humans! He thinks to himself. As he looks around he saw one human in particular that caught his eye. He was holding a long stick looking thing. Wait.....the boomsticks! Without hesitation the young Indoraptor leaped back into the tree line and dispersed. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, he ran and he ran and he ran until he got back to the nest. When he did get back he tripped on some roots and almost landed on his mother. He woke up from her name and barked at him. "What was that about?" "I-I saw humans!" His mother sprang to her feet and hissed. "Humans!? Where!?" He pointed towerds where he ran off. His mother shook her head and sat down. He nudged him and he sat down as well. "That is the human territory, you must never, and I mean never go there, do you understand?" "Yes mother." The young Indoraptor seems to have a nack for finding things he probably shouldn't. This could jeopardize his survival....when he needs to fend for himself.

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