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The Indoraptor had grown a bit over the years that had gone by. He was now tall enough to where his mother had to slightly look up at him to look him in the eyes. He still rather not go into dense forest anymore, atleast not after what happend a few years ago. He still heard the bloody calls of the young Triceratops reverberated through his mind. Yet something still lingered in his mind, what could have possibly scared the Triceratops like that? Not a carno, their arms are practically useless, and their horns aren't for slashing, no way compys could do that. Maybe some other animal, but he just couldn't figure it out. Right now they were on a small hunting trip, they had just injured a parasourolophus and now they're hunting it down. It called for help and its calls simply made it easier to find it. The red and gray animal was laying in tall grass bleeding heavily from its neck. The young Indoraptor remembered what his mother had taught him about running carelessly into tall grass, there could always be an ambush in the grass. Instead of just running up and killing it they stalk around the area, making sure there are no other predators setting up traps. After about a minute of stalking they finally came the conclusion that there were no other animals besides them and the parasourolophus. Both of them creeped up from the left and right sides of the injured hadrosour. The young male Indoraptor was getting slightly impatient with all of this stalking and he ran for the parasourolophus's neck to insure the kill. As he did though, he smelt something strange. Something he had never smelt before. It smelt like the dry grass, but it also had a new sent to it. He stopped running towerds the injured prey animal and instead turned his attention to this new sent he had caught. The Parasourolophus noticed him and sprang to its feet. It ran across the grassy field, and as it did the Indoraptor's mother leaped ontop of its tail and ripped a large chunk of it to pieces before being thrown off. She just barely landed on her feet and angerly marched towerds the Indoraptor. "What are you doing?" She barked at him. "Hold on, I'm catching a new sent." The female Velociraptor cocked her head in a air position and started to sniff the air. She suddenly snarled and growled at the male Indoraptor. "Dont take another step!" She cried out. The Indoraptor turned around and backed away. His mother walked over and snarled at the ground. She then started to dig and pulled out a large stick. After that she put the stick on the ground, and a set of gray and orange jaws erupted from the ground and snapped the stick into pieces. The Indoraptor leaped back in surprise and snarled. "What was that!?" He growled. His mother sighed and turned to look at him. "This, little one, is what I call a human trap."

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