1k special

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#The moment I honestly hadn't been expecting for the longest time. The time this book finally reached 1k reads! I never would have thought that THIS would be the one but yeah, life throws alot of surprises these days.

As a little thank you to all of those who had continued to read this(and putting up with my sometimes terrible spelling XD.) I've made this chapter about MOST of your favorite characters interacting with eachother, yes, including characters who had died. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this!#

Ripper held the baby Scorpius as his pack watched ever so carefully. Suddenly all of them heared thumping noises coming from right behind them. Ripper turned around and saw the beast, the main villain, and queen bitch herself, aka, Natasha. "What are you doing here?" Ripper asked. "Taking back ownership of my offspring, Ripper." She snapped. The second in camand spoke up. "Didn't you leave her all by herself-" "Quiet you! You're not a main character so anything you say either isn't cannon or doesn't matter." Ripper emedietly interjected. "I'm about one hundred percent sure none of this is Cannon, Natasha."
"Ah yes, the special...how long were we waiting for this cringe fest?" "I don't know, since this little world we live in gets enough attention from readers who could probably dream up something more exiting and better written the this." "What ever-I came back for her, now give her to-" Before Natasha could finish, Titan came stomping in. "Anyone looking for two ugly little devils?" Natasha hissed at him and snatched up her two other offspring from Titan's claws. "They're not ugly little devil you brainless brute! They're angles." Titan rolled his eyes. "I'm never having offspring if that's how I'm gonna turn out." "Oh as if you're any be-" "Ripper!" All of the dinosaurs turned their attention to a small orange dot running towerds them. "Ripper! Have at thy!" Varan came running towerds them at break neck speed! "Ripper put the baby Scorpius in the second in camand's claws. "One moment please.....Varan I'm gonna rip your left arm off and this time I will kill you!"

Natasha snarled at the second in camand. "Give. Me. My offspring!" " Oh go eat a dung bettle!" Natasha hissed. "Thats it, get over here!" She was about to leap towerds the second in camand, but suddenly, Titan grabbed her by the leg. "Now, now, save that aggression for when the writter is actually motivated enough to write out a fight scene, but not today." "How do you even get tired writing a fight scene?" "I don't know, and honestly I don't care." Suddenly Ripper came stomping back in, holding Varan by the neck. "Now, you're going to sit here and be a good little plot devise till the writter actually needs you again, ok?" Varan rolled her eyes. "Fine."

Suddenly, the third in camand walked up to Ripper. "Ya'know, it's kind of weird how some of you have names, yet most of us are just called by what we are. Don't you think it'll confuse the readers?" "Oh please, you have to be on crack to even understand what's going on in this cluster fuck of a 'book'." "Never the less, I'm getting kind of tired of the writter just calling me the third in camand." Ripper rolled his eyes. "Alright, alright, we'll give all the un-named characters names that sound like human names, but aren't." "What about me?" Natasha snarled. "Oh yeah...the writter totally didn't make up your name on the spot just for this special....totally not." "Ugh, well I can't go the rest of this fic just being called, The Scorpius, and I'm sure as hell not gonna be called Natasha either!" "Hmm, how about...Narca." Narca thought about- "Hey, when the fuck was that decided as my name!? I'm still thinking about it."

Titan hushed her up. "It's better not to argue with the writter, they could always just have you killed off for shock value, and because they're the writter, you're gonna agree to this. Like we agree too, right guys?" All the dinosaurs nodded their heads. Ripper's pack members huddled up, waiting for their names. "Second in camand will be called, Salou, third in camand will be called Shrike, and the last will be called...Rala." They all nodded. "Now hopefully the writter can actually remember your names." All of the dinosaurs stood in a circle and were about to disperse, until they heard loud footsteps coming from the forest.

Suddenly Rexy came charging from out of the trees with Blue on her back! "Did we miss something bitches!?" Rexy roared. Every dinosaur gasped. "Oh God Rexy no-" After that they were all freeze framed, becuase the lazy ass writter couldn't think of anything funny to say....like they had anything funny to say at all. Good bye everyone, until we meet again.

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