night of the Scorpius

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The Indoraptor snarled at the many eyes watching them. The eyes seemed to move in tandem, running circles around both of them. The Velociraptor snarled and leaped onto a tree, and slowly began to climb it. "Mother, what are you doing!?" "These are tooth furs, climb this tree to get away from them!" The young Indoraptor grabbed onto one of the thick branches and dug his claws into the bark. As he slowly climbed the tree, he felt something nip his tail. He turned his head and saw that one of the little beasts had bitten onto his tail. The creature had a slender snout, four skinny legs, a gray pelt, and furry tail. The little creature growled, before letting go of his tail as he climbed higher and higher. He could hear the many growls coming from the small creatures. Suddenly, their growls stopped, and was replaced by an ear-slitting howl. They all howled in unison, before whimpering and running away. The young Indoraptor was confused. "W-why are they running? Are they running from us?" The Indoraptor barked. The Velociraptor looked confused aswell, and squinted. "What ever they're running from, it definitely isn't us." She clung onto the tree and looked around. She couldn't smell anything to unusual, but suddenly the wind shifted, and a very familiar sent grow closer. "Run!" She called in terror, jumping from the tree and landing to the ground with a thump. "W-wha-" "Just do it!" She called again. The Indoraptor jumped off aswell and they both ran towerds the other side of the forest. They could both hear a loud and piercing scream coming from the forest. They both ran, and ran, and ran, until they were at the edge of the forest. Both of them out of breath-they crawled towerds where the tree line ended. Before both of them could make it, the Indoraptor felt like he was being stocked by something. He looked up, into one of the trees, and looking down at him was the face of a creature he had never seen before. It leaped down from, the tree and scratched. The Velociraptor leaped onto the creature's back and tried to rip through it's armored flank. She called out, in fear and anger. "Run! Run! Get out of here!" She called. "B-but what aba-" "Just run!" The Indoraptor looked back as his mother rangled with the short faced monstrosity. He was going to run until he heard a loud thud behind him. He turned around and saw his mother, pinned down by the creature. Forget running! It's time to fight! He thought to himself as he charged towerds the creature. He jumped onto it and kicked it off of his mother. It flaied around, swinging it's tail at them. Both of them dodged, just barely. Both them and the creature looked at eachother with shear hatred. That is, until the creatures jaws opened and it spoke. " can't save this place..." The Velociraptor snarled. "What do you mean!?" "My mother....gone...all your fault." "T-those beast on the island..." The Velociraptor backed away, growling. The beast stood at it's full hight and scratched into the night. "It's your fault!" It suddenly ran back into the fog filled forest. The Indoraptor and Velociraptor both looked at eachother, before walking away from the forest, and away from that creature.

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