The beast

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The young Indoraptor curled up to sleep. He's had a long day and his mother always said its important to always get enough sleep. He was peacefully asleep, until he heard loud soft noises coming from the trees behind them. His head shot up and he looked at the treeline. What ever it was, it creeped around, its footsteps almost evading his natural hearing, not not quite. By the way it was walking, he could tell it was in stalking mode, and it could pounce at any second. He slowly moved his body so that his frount side was facing what ever was in the tree line. He held that position for what felt like hours, until the creature let out a small growl of frustration and wondered off. The young Indoraptor wasn't done yet, he had to make sure that thing didn't come back latter that night. He followed the sent until he noticed something. The smell was like his smell. Not entirely the same, but similar enough to the point where he could possibly communicate with the strange creature. He followed the sent until the trees got more dense. Suddenly a long tail with what seemed to be a claw at the end of it rushed towerds his head. He dodged, only getting a small scar across his snout. This was all the time the creature needed to knock him over and jump onto him. His night vision was superb, but even he had trouble making out what the beast was. It looked like him, but slightly bigger and with a shorter snout. Suddenly the beast leaped off of him and snarled. With a sudden flick of its sharp ended tail, it ran back into the depths of the forest. The young male staggered to his feet and shook his head. He's never been attacked by something with that type of attitude, with this much aggression. He's seen his mother preform very similar attacks when fighting off smaller predators, but nothing like that. He used all of the power in his legs and raced towerds the nest. When he got there his mother was awake and snarling. The barked out sign of peace. She quickly ran over to him and softly bumped him on the head. "Where have you been!?" She snarled. "I caught somethings sent, it smelled like me so I went to investigate." "And?" She barked back. "And it looked like me, but bigger, it also had a sharp end on its ta-" Before the young Indoraptor could finish, his mother bumped his snout and curled back into a sleeping position. The young Indoraptor was confused, but not for long. She was doing that thing where she would ignore the problem and just turn away from him and sleep. "Mother, I'm being serious!" "It's best not to chase imaginary monsters into the forest, now sleep young one." "But moth-" "Go to sleep; that wasn't a question, it was a camand." The young Indoraptor slumped his head to the ground and curled up. Maybe she was right, maybe this monster wasn't real. On the off chance that it was, he needs to make sure he can defend himself agenst that thing.

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