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The young Indoraptor looked around, sniffing the cool air. He was still worried about that creature coming back, but his mother seemed more worried about finding prey. They hadn't eaten in what felt like weeks. The Indoraptor picked up a sent, a distant one, but still something that smelt atleast somewhat like food. He rushed towerds where the sent was coming from and found a large black can. His mother jumped infront of him and hiss at the can. "What are you doing?" He asked, confused. "It's a human contraption!" She snarled. "B-but it smells like foo-" Beford he could finish his mother beard her teeth and hiss deeply.  The Indoraptor was confused, until she leaped at him, takiling him to the ground. A loud bang when off and both of them slowly got up. As they did, they saw a human, holding a smoking boomstick. The Velociraptor leaped into action, jumping into the air and landing right infront of the human. Before it could reload its boomstick, she grabbed it by the face and kicked it to the ground. The human screamed out in pain, but the Velociraptor silenced him quickly. The Indoraptor got up. He edged closer to her, sniffing the dead human. Suddenly, she whirled around and snapped at his nose. The Indoraptor leaped back and growled. Both of them stood there for a long minute, growling at eachother. Suddenly a loud noise came from behind the Velociraptor and two long arms tried to grab her. The Indoraptor jumped onto what ever almost grabbed his mother but it threw him off. He looked up and saw that it was the same creature that had attacked him and his mother a few hours ago, the beast that looked like him, but larger, and with a shorter snout. "You again!" His mother cried out. "Yes, me...again." The ugly creature snorted back. "Why do you keep attac-" Before the Indoraptor could ask, the creature stomped on his thigh and snarled. The Velociraptor jumped onto the creature's back and jumped off. "This isn't my first time fighting creatures like you! I've fought far too many of your kind!" The Indoraptor sat there, thinking about what his mother ment when she said, 'she's fought too many of their kinds. The hideous abomination chuckled and looked at the Indoraptor. "You....die....soon." The beast said, before running into the forest. The Indoraptor got up, still bit shocked. The Velociraptor breathed a sigh of releaf, but there wasn't much time for them to rest. Because as soon as they began to try and get their bearings a large metal thing bursted from out of the trees and charged right at them, black Smoke practically roaring from out of its backside. Both of them ran as fast as they could, through the forest, through flashing lights, and through rock structures. They were both so terrified they didn't notic that the metal creature had stopped chasing them, but by the time they realized, it was to late. Suddenly, both of them went flying off a a gigantic rocky cliff.

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