The Giga chad

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Ripper saw the gigantic creature roar loudly at his packmates, anger and rage filling its eyes. Its roar sounded somewhat like the T-rexes roar, but slightly higher pitched, even though it was far larger then the T-rex. The beast took a step forward and growled at the smaller animals beneath it. "Move aside scavengers." It snarled, its loud booming voice sending shivers down Ripper's spine. The pack quickly dispersed from the carcass. The larger animal grabbed the body and dragged it towerds the depths of the forest. The rest of the pack ran towerds the bushes where Ripper had watched the event go down. They spotted him, and were confused. "Ripper, why are you here?" "Becuase I heared your calls, and I wanted to make sure you were alright." The second in camand sighed. "We'll just have to find another kill." "What-or, who was that." "Thats Titan, the monster that invaded this area a long time ago, long before you were here." "Where did he come from?" "No one knows, he just kind of showed up one day and started calling the shots." Ripper snorted. It looks like where ever he goes, danger is always right behind him.

Titan stomped through the forest, snorting and grunting in frustration the whole way. He wasn't built for this type of terrain, he was built for open fields. However, with those strange metal fliers, and the smaller ground metal things all around, he can't go anywhere else besides here. He's frustrated, he has no where else to go, but this is still better then being locked in a cage again. Titan dragged the rotting prey all the way to his den. He dropped it and savagely began to eat, not noticing the creature right behind him.
Suddenly he heared a loud growl and he turned around and saw a plump creature with black hair, four round limbs and a tan snout. Titan growled at the smaller creature and it stood on its hind legs and returned a second roar. He had seen these little pest before, but he's never seen one so brave, and stupid. He had entertained the idea of just keeping one of them around, as a sort of pack mate, but that idea was quickly dashed away when he returned and saw that it had been eaten by an Allo. Of course he killed the Allo right after that, but he never forgot how fragile life in this new land was. He simply snorted at the small creature and snapped at it. It didn't back down, instead it charged at him. Titan got sick of this little creature's games, and he used the full force of his snout to send the little beast flying into a tree. The animal layed there for a few seconds before getting up and slowly backing away. Titan growled emedietly forgetting the little animal and going back to his meal.

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