𑁍Chapter 29𑁍

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Yuna's POV


I was irritated and said. "You have to help me, stop chatting Lia pls."

The only reason we are in this room together is to work on our partner project, a report marketing plan.

"You know what, tomorrow we can accomplish that! Let's just have lunch Yuna. I am famished!" She said sulkily.

"I will meet my parents tomorrow, so we need to finish this," I said as I continued to type our marketing objectives on my laptop.

"But I am very hungry."

"No! You just want to see Lia unnie... and if you help me here and do not complain, we will finish this right away.

"I am really hungry, so finish it alone!" She stood up and stuck her tongue out at me.

What the??

"Fine! Go eat, but please buy me a sandwich and drinks when you return."

"Sure, thanks," she replied, running like a criminal!

I just shook my head.

"She must be hungry," I said before returning to what I was doing.

I grab my phone, plug in my earphones, and turn it on to play music. You know it is relaxing when you do something with music. So, do you want to know what I am listening to? "Die for you"

While I was typing our report, someone patted my head, so I looked it up. It is Kai!

Kai, what do you want right now?"

He hands me a paper bag and I grab it. "I know you're not still eating so, I brought you food," He said then give me lopsided smile.

"Okay, thanks," I responded, but I am still aware of what he said. What does he mean when he says he is not done with me?

I caught his gaze at me, which made me uncomfortable.

"Kai, what did you mean by what you said on the way home when I was with Lia?"

"Oh, about that.. well, you will find out soon. Just wait," he said, standing up. "Oh, I need to go! I have to prepare for something tomorrow," he said, patting my head before walking away.

I opened the paper bag containing food. Oh, it is a sandwich with drinks. This is enough to fill my stomach.

I begin eating my sandwich and continue with my activities.

"Hmp, Yeji did not return... good thing Kai brought me food."

Well, it makes me wonder why he turned out that way. You know, he is not like that... because he is the type of guy who will shit on me! Like bugging, forcing, and insulting Ryujin in my face.

This kinda creepy. I had a feeling something was going to happen.

I pick up my phone and dial the Ryujin number.

After several rings. She answered the phone.

"Where are you, Honey? Come with me here. I'm alone"

["Yeah, just wait for me there, okay? I am going to finish my lunch first and bring you food.

"You do not need to... someone gave me food."

["Who was that?"]

"Do not get mad... It's Kai, okay? "I had no idea why he did that," I said, sighing.

I am waiting for her response, but she just hangs up the phone.

"Oh, she is mad! I should not have told her," I muttered before stopping eating.

Following a few minutes. She arrives.

"Did you eat it?" She said this while raising her right eyebrow.

"A little bit..."

She cuts me off. "A little huh? Then make him your lifelong snack source!"

"Do not get mad. I ate it because I was hungry, and Yeji was taking too long to flirt with Lia.

She just stares at me before pulling the nearest chair and sitting beside me. "Did he do anything to you?"

"Nothing since the last time Lia and I went to the park. But when we met him there. He told us he was not done with me. Then when I asked him about it a while ago, he said 'I will find out it soon.'"

"That guy! What the hell is he planning? When will he stop?" She said.

I saw her close her right knuckle, indicating that she is mad. I held her hand and gazed into her eyes.

"Honey, calm down... You know him, he maybe like that but I don't think that he will bring harm to us."

"Who knows what is going through his mind, Yuna? Once he bothers us again, Swear to God I will kill him... don't care if I become a murderer"

"Stop thinking like that! Just don't mind him, he will get tired"

"I said what I said Yuna, I just don't like someone will hurt all the people I love... especially you"

Her words sent butterflies through my stomach. This girl loves to make my heart flutter.

"Ah yeah. I almost forgot to mention that my parents will be back tomorrow. I'll meet them, you want to go come with me?"

She looks at me, stunned. "I do not think I am prepared to see them. Maybe next time"

"Come-on! "I am going to introduce you, and they did not know about us," I said, biting my lower lip.

Yes, my parents are still unaware of our relationship, which is why I would like her to accompany me tomorrow to inform them.

I want to tell them about us personally, not just through phone calls. Good thing, they're going home and stays here for good.

"Ohh is that so? Why you didn't tell them? We have been a couple for almost a year. Do you think they will like me?" I could feel her anxiety as she asked me.

I reached out and caressed her cheeks, putting her at ease. "And why they wouldn't like you? You're a pretty outside and inside"

She just stared at me, then sighed.

"C'mon don't be anxious. I love you!"

"I just can't help it... This is my first time that I will see your parents"

I stood up and began fixing my things. She also helps me and brings my bag. We left our room to look for the others.

We are walking silently because I know Ryujin is still thinking about my parents.

"How about a movie date later?" I said something to break the silence.

"Okay, you are the one who will purchase a ticket."

"No, we are going to watch from our room. I would rather cuddle with you while watching than go to the movie theater and see a couple making out there."

She stops on her track so do I.

"That sounds good, but you know what is even better?"

I shake my head.

She leans in my ear and smiles. "When you are moaning mess underneath me," she whispered.

My cheeks swell with blood... "Yah!" I exclaimed and beats her arms.

She simply laughed, put her arms around my shoulder with her right, and started to walk again.

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