𑁍Chapter 26𑁍

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Yuna's POV

We are all here on campus and just got out of Yeji's car.

"Um, Yeji? Have you asked Chaeryeong when she will be back at the house?" Lia asked her as she fixed her clothes.

We are now looking at Yeji, waiting for an answer. Hmm, it makes me sad because Chaeryeong was withdrawing from us, particularly the two of us. You know, about her feelings for Ryujin.

I exhaled. If I had known it beforehand, I probably would not date Ryujin. Yes, of course. Just try to put yourself in my shoes. If you know a close friend was in love with the person who is head over heels for you. Do you think you will have the guts to date her? No, because, you know. Personally, I prefer my friends over a lover.

"Oh, she is avoiding me too," Yeji said.

She looked at Ryujin and beat her head. "Speak to her! You stupid!" She yelled at her.

"What? She is mad at me, remember? I do not want to die." Ryujin said, folding her arms above her chest. "I will talk to her when she speaks to me first."

Yeji grabs Ryujin's collar and pulls her close to herself.

Her action surprised all of us. I covered my mouth and whispered, "Yeji unnie. Do not hurt her, please."

"If you think that way, you will not be able to fix it! Show maturity. Do you not miss her? Because I do," Yeji angrily remarked before pushing Ryujin to the ground.

Lia started to follow her, but I intervened.

"What?" Lia huffed.

I shake my head at her and help Ryujin to stand up.

"Alright," Lia replied, glancing at Yeji. "Are you alright, Ryujin?" she inquired.

"Yes," Ryujin laughed in response. "I am so glad she did not choke me to death," she says, breathing a breath of relief.

"Stupid! Yeji is right, you should talk to her" I said.

Ryujin retorted, "You too."

I sighed, she's right.

"Communicate and resolve issues. "You guys were not kids anymore," Lia said as she began to walk away to find Yeji.

I also started walking wherever my feet led me. We still have time to wander around, though.

I looked up at the sky. What lovely weather to think about!

What would happen if we spoke to her? Is she still mad at us? Will she forgive us? I do not know anymore.

I felt someone hold my hand. I know it was hers.

"Are you okay?" She asked, and I simply shook her head. This girl makes my heart flutter.

"Do not think about it, okay? She is a good-hearted person, as you know."

"I know, I just felt bad about her. Ever since, we have caused her pain without even realizing it! She doesn't deserve it!"

She stopped walking, and so did I. She sighed and looked into my eyes.

"Chaeryeong loves us. please do not feel guilty about it," she said, caressing my hand, which she still holds.

"I can not help it."

"Everything will be fine, okay? Do not overstress yourself."


She gave me a quick pat on the head while tiptoeing, and when her whisker dimples appeared, I smiled back at her.


Ryujin's POV

We have all gathered at our favorite coffee shop, which is owned by Lia.

Finally, Yeji convinced Chaeryeong to join us.

I looked at Yeji, who was still giving me the cold shoulder.

"It is fine, she is just upset," Lia said, patting my head.

"Yah! "Do not pat her," Yeji whined, pulling Lia's hand. She gave me a death look, and I rolled my eyes in response. You are going to bitch at me, and so am I.

Oh, why the hell is she mad?

"Yeji ah! One more cold response. "I swear to God, I will punch you!"

"Oh, look, Chaeryeong is fighting me!" Yeji spoke as she clung to Chaeryeong's arm.

She just looked at me and sighed.

"Should I punch her in the face?" She asked Yeji without emotion.

"Oh c'mon! "As if you can do that," I respond, giving her a smug expression.

In one swift movement, I felt a stinging pain in my jaw.

They all gasped and looked at Chaeryeong.

"I could, and did!" She said and sat down again.

My mouth hangs open. I could not say a word. She punched me and was proud of it.

"Why did you do that? Yeji asked Chaeryeong with a little hint of disappointment.

"That is all I can do after what she has done to me. She broke me," Chaeryeong said, averting her gaze at me.

Her eyes tell it all. I've never thought I hurt her terribly.

"She did not mean to hurt you," Lia intervened in the argument.

"I understand, but it still hurts Lia!"

Yeji caressed her forehead to ease her mind. I know she is affected because we are best friends.

"But you should not have done that..."

"That is enough, babe," Lia says, cutting off Yeji and looking at Chaeryeong.

"You are upset with Ryujin because she did not like you back, correct?" Chaeryeong was about to say something, but Lia silenced her.

"Listen to me, she is not obligated to return the romantic love you gave her because you two are not committed to each other, and she did not even know you liked her because you kept it to yourself, and if you just confessed to her, she might like you too because... Goddamn, Chaeryeong! You are not difficult to love."

Chaeryeong laughed sarcastically in response. "Do you think it is easy to admit your feelings to someone who only considers you a best friend? That is my only role in her life, Lia! And silly me to fall for her. I wish I had not developed these goddamn feelings for her because I am just a damn BEST FRIEND."

"We can not dictate our hearts, and you know that," Yuna said as we all looked at her. "To be honest, I admire you even more now because you keep your feelings for her to make Ryujin happy while remaining her best friend. I know it hurt a lot. You are selfless."

"Me too," Lia replied.

"Look, this stupid person beside me does not deserve you. You are too much for her, and I am not saying that because we are practically lovers. I am saying this because you deserve better than her. Chaeryeong, you are beautiful and kind. And I am sorry for not noticing your feelings for her back then. If I had known..."

We are now silent, staring at each other. Why is this all happening? Can we go back to the days when our friendship was healthy? No fights, only genuine love and happiness.

Chaeryeong stood up, and now everyone's attention is on her.

"I'm sorry. Do not feel bad for me, Ryujin and Yuna. You have done nothing wrong to me. My apologies for acting like this. I let my emotions take control of me. This is not me. I apologize. I promise I will fix myself again," she said sincerely before walking away.

I wanted to call her, but I couldn't. I looked at Yeji, and she simply shook her head. She is the one who is affected.

"Now, I am not sure how to approach her either. I miss her so much." Yeji embraced Lia and cried to her.

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